Sonarqube: Missing blame information for the following files
I am getting the warning Missing blame information for the following files during analysis by SonarQube.[INFO] [22:19:57.714] Sensor SCM Sensor[INFO] [22:19:57.715] SCM provider for this project is:...
View ArticleRoom - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so...
I am using Android Database Component RoomI've configured everything, but when I compile, Android Studio gives me this warning:Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we...
View ArticleStandardized ways to pack multiple values into one atomic
Assuming I have two atomic variables of types int32, I could instead chose to represent them as std::atomic<int64> both and reserve the first 32 bits for my first in and the last for my second...
View ArticleMoving d3 objects in a Cypress test
I'm testing a d3 app which uses <svg> to draw items on the screen. I have event handlers dragstarted, dragged and dragend and also some .force() calls to add some physics to the simulation....
View ArticleCapture iframe csp/sandbox errors
I'm writing Cypress tests to validate iframe security policies around sandbox & CSP permissions. I have disabled allow-modals and calls to alert and others fail as expected the following Chrome...
View ArticleWhere is the scene model file in the vision pro simulator?
There are 6 scenes to choose from in the Vision Pro simulator. I am curious where these files are placed? Can it be replaced or added?
View Articlewhy SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new...
Why is authentication allowed in this filter@RequiredArgsConstructorpublic class JwtTokenFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter { private final JwtProvider jwtProvider; private final AccountService...
View Articlecypress tag counting test works in interactive mode, but fails in headless mode
I have a leaflet map with several markers. A button is clicked which adds four more markers. My cypress test counts the number of img (the markers) tags within an html element before the button click....
View ArticleRPG file using dynamic SQL fails to display data to display file
I wrote dynamic SQL to show information about a student whose student ID is entered when a user enters an ID, the information on the next screen in the display file has no data. All the fields come...
View ArticleUsing Spark in Scala in intellij IDE
So I want to use Scala on Intellij and do some spark programs but I keep getting the errorCannot resolve symbol apache.This keeps coming for the majority of the imports I do like:An error for every...
View ArticleConnect to Outline VPN ic C# on Android [duplicate]
can you please advise me how is it possible to connect to Outline VPN server via C# on Android? I am planning to create a VPN application based on xamarin.forms, and have encountered this problem.I...
View ArticleHow to find the position(s) of a number in a 2D array?
For example, how could I find the positions that contain the value 20 in the following 2D array?let nested_array = [ [17, 16, 15, 14, 13], [18, 5, 4, 3, 12], [19, 6, 1, 2, 11], [20, 7, 8, 9, 10], [21,...
View Articlewinsock2 socket connection works within local pc, but not from remote pcs
I'm trying to learn low level networking in c, and have gotten as far as making TCP client and server programs that make, bind, connect, accept, etc. sockets using winsock.They work just fine, and my...
View ArticleAdding equidistant x scale and a legend for each line of a ggplot using R
enter image description hereFor this graph, I want to make it look like the graph in the first picture basically. The problem I am having with reproducing this graph is that I can't get the scale to...
View ArticleError when using keras: module 'keras.layers' has no attribute...
import osos.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"import pandas as pdimport pathlibimport randomimport stringimport reimport numpy as npimport tensorflow as tfimport kerasfrom keras import...
View ArticleHow to get back to the terminal prompt?
After certain operations using vite :like after running the npm run dev command , in my terminal , I am not able to see my terminal prompt.How should I return back to it ?I tried ctrl + q , ctrl + z...
View ArticleCrash parsing date strings but only on some iOS devices
Most of the iPhone devices and actual users that I have are working fine. But when I check the crash log in Xcode, I get an error that string_date is nil on only some devices.Code_1 is a code that is...
View ArticleI use pyscript for showing python script on browser, but not showing
I use pyscript for showing python script on browser, but not showing, I need solution for show on browser. So if any solution for this please share. I want to show python script on browser....
View Articlebarcode print plugin in wordpress
I want a free/crack version of barcode print plugin for woocommerce wordpress , as i can't find a free pluginI want a free/crack version of barcode print plugin for woocommerce wordpress , there are...
View ArticleIn C#, is it possible to know if the method is being executed in async flow?
Can we have a method IsInAsyncContext that identifies if the control is inside an async execution flow or not? Check the following usage.public static void Main(){ IsInAsyncContext(); // Should return...
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