import osos.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"import pandas as pdimport pathlibimport randomimport stringimport reimport numpy as npimport tensorflow as tfimport kerasfrom keras import layersMAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 40INP_VOCAB_SIZE = 15000input_vectorization = keras.layers.TextVectorization( max_tokens=INP_VOCAB_SIZE, output_mode="int", output_sequence_length=MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)AttributeError: module 'keras.layers' has no attribute 'TextVectorization'
I import the keras module and get layers from keras, but when I try to use keras.layers.TextVectorization, my code throws that error.
I've tried writing the call differently but then I get a new AttributeError.
input_vectorization = tf.keras.TextVectorization( #same inside as before)AttributeError: module 'keras' has no attribute '__version__'
I've also tried reinstalling both tensorflow and keras using pip, but that didn't change anything. What should I do?