Repeat mstest test run multiple times
Some of my mstest unit tests help detect multi-threading race conditions, and as such they are most useful when run many times in a row, but I only want to do this for specific test runs -- not all the...
View ArticleHow to remove an element from a table that is the result of the intersection...
Good day! I`m doing a small WPF program using SQL. I have a table Zoo, table Animal and ZooAnimal that is a combination of 2 other tables. So the idea is that by ckicking on Zoo should be information...
View ArticleWhy reset an array parameter before using it?
I was reading some Wordpress plugin code when I come across this function:function bp_nouveau_hook( $pieces = array() ) { if ( ! $pieces ) { return; } $bp_prefix = reset( $pieces ); if ( 'bp' !==...
View ArticleAzureDevops - ##[error]Process 'appcmd.exe' exited with code '-2146893802'
When I release a pipeline, this error appears:ERROR ( hresult:80090016, message:Failed to commit configuration changes.Keyset does not exist )##[error]Process 'appcmd.exe' exited with code...
View ArticleDetecting cut-off line of the headlight beam on the wall [closed]
Edit: A non-robust condition is added (Lights off, reflections are less than the first image shared). As it can be seen in figure below, the cut-off line is not detected very well, due to possibly the...
View ArticleFlutter run on Android emulator throws: Could not find an option named...
When I hit run on my Android Emulator it throws this error:Could not find an option named "--web-renderer"Which has nothing to do with compiling and installing an APK. I've been having so many...
View ArticleIn a Flutter layout with a row and column how would you align it so the text...
In the above image the last column is unaligned with the second checkbox of that column. How would I make it so that the "Testing long line of text" is aligned at the second line of text with the...
View ArticleHow can I sort a dataframe in R that contains lat/long so that it draws lines...
I have a dataframe in R that has "road name" and "Geometry" and Geometry has multiple points along the road and I want to draw a line connecting each pair of points so that they travel along the road....
View Articlehow to resolve cors error in strapi 5.10.0
My Middlewares.ts file look like thisexport default ['strapi::logger','strapi::errors','strapi::security', { name: 'strapi::cors', config: { origin: ["*","",...
View ArticlePlugin are not installed on wordpress [closed]
this is an erroryes now it's working but plugin not installederror" Installation failed: The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record...
View ArticleType error in Express Router with middleware and controller parameters...
I'm using Express with TypeScript and I did a middleware in order to validate post requests with express-validator and handle some errors.Each validation is returning a Promise<void>, but...
View Articleload_plugin_textdomain Generates Notice in WordPress Multisite Only
My WordPress plugin is Network Only plugin and all my local tests on WordPress Multisite only, Since WordPress 6.7, I start to receive (Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly)...
View ArticleDomPDF Class PreserveText not found
I downloaded and installed the dompdf release am not using composer, so I added this line:require_once '../dompdf/';Running some sample code:$phpWord =...
View ArticleAdding DT datatable to slickR carousel
I am interested in rendering a DT datatable inside slickR's carousel. My actual use case will have an image followed by a table. Here's a quick example of what I am trying to do (code produces an empty...
View ArticleWhy can't Delphi11 add these floating point values?
var saldo: real; a,b,c: real;begin a:= 2580; b:= 188.9; c:= 2768.9; saldo:= a+ b- c; showmessage(floattostr(saldo));end;For some reason Delphi or Delphi under Windows cannot add these variables - it...
View ArticleIs it possible to store the Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017...
When I try to store the certificate, I get the following message:az keyvault certificate import --vault-name vault01 --name "MicrosoftRSA2017" --file "Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority...
View ArticleDependency and Privacy Manifest Issues
I I'm trying to submit my Flutter iOS app to the App Store, but I'm getting the ITMS-91061: Missing privacy manifest error because two SDKs—GTMSessionFetcher and GoogleToolboxForMac—are not being...
View ArticleLearning PHP in simple way [closed]
I already studied and explored PHP for almost 2 months and still i dont know when to use every functions of it in web development. How to interact in HTML, when to use it?
View ArticleHow can I bypass bot detection ensuring my web scraper remains functional...
I’m currently building a web scraping app that would take a url to any recipe page and return just the essentials: Title, ingredients, instructions…It’s my first time web scraping and I’m using...
View ArticleHow can I efficiently flatten and filter nested lists using list...
data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]# Goal: Flatten and keep only even numbersresult = [x for sublist in data for x in sublist if x % 2 == 0]print(result) # [2, 4, 6, 8]What if the nesting level is...
View ArticleDBContext lost after upgrade EF Core from 5 to 9
We've have been using EF Core 5 for quite some time now, in multiple applications, but never had the time to update it, also because of dependencies.But now we have updated it, there were almost no...
View ArticleIn useReducer, is it better to dispatch multiple actions separately for each...
In a React 17 useReducer setup, is it better to dispatch multiple actions separately, each updating a single state field, or to use a single action that updates multiple fields at once? For example,...
View Articlewhat is best way to copy a class without using inheritance in Python
I want a class 'child' to inherit all the properties of class 'parent' but this is going to be the exception rather than the rule. In more than 95% of the cases this is not going to happen, so what is...
View ArticleHow to categorize the failures from Cucumber reports?
We've Selenium test automation framework integrated with Cucumber that runs 300+ regression scenarios. We're looking for a feature/enhancement to categorize the failures. For example, if there are 10...
View ArticleSAP .NET Connector connection failed with SAP S4 HANA 2023
We have upgraded our SAP ECC system to SAP S/4HANA 2023. When trying to make an RFC call from an external system to the new HANA system using SAP .NET Connector, we encounter the following error."The...
View Articlei was creating table in html but in this rowspan not working as excepted
<table><tr><td rowspan="2">first</td><td rowspan="4" colspan="9">second</td><td colspan="3">third</td></tr><tr><td...
View ArticleHow to fail gracefully when processing tasks with multithreaded pipeline
I'm designing a multi-threaded data pipeline which rests on Service A, I'm following a producer-consumer design to process a list of objects. where my producer calls the api of Service B to retrieve...
View Articleswagger doc is not generating in the server but the sa,me file is using local...
Generated optimized autoload files containing 6471 classes[root@issdev003 html]# php artisan l5-swagger:generateRegenerating docs defaultErrorExceptionUnable to merge @OA\Post() in...
View ArticleAdd equal spacing to inner HStack elements to fill the available space in...
I start with the following code:import SwiftUIstruct ContentView: View { var body: some View { HStack(spacing: 20) { ExtractedView(text: "Energy") ExtractedView(text: "Breath Control") }...
View ArticleMaestro CLI error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:...
I am trying to use Maestro CLI to test my application, but I encountered an issue when running the maestro command. Here is the error I receive:Exception in thread "main"...
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