I wrote dynamic SQL to show information about a student whose student ID is entered when a user enters an ID, the information on the next screen in the display file has no data. All the fields come from WUSTDP and I have not gotten to the part where I use the other files/tables.
I was expecting to see information about the student including address, phone number, ssn, name, and email
display file
INDARA A CA12(12 'CANCEL') A CA03(03 'EXIT') A R STUDSEL A 1 2'Lab 12' A 1 30'Wibaux University' A 2 23'Student Registration aplication' A 1 71DATE A 6 23'Student Number' A 9 23'Type value, then enter.' A 15 3'F3=Exit F12=Cancel' A STUDNT 9D I 6 40 A R DISPSTUD A 1 2'Lab 12' A 1 30'Wibaux University' A 2 23'Student Registration aplication' A 1 71DATE A 3 10'Student ID:' A 4 10'Student Name:' A 5 10'Address:' A 6 10'Phone:' A 7 10'Email:' A 16 4'F3=Exit F12=Cancel' A STUDNAME 36 B 4 30 A ADDRESS 39 B 5 30 A PHONE R B 6 30REFFLD(STUDREC/PHONE FLIGHT2023/WUS- A TDP) A SEMAIL R B 7 30REFFLD(STUDREC/SEMAIL FLIGHT2023/WU- A STDP) A 9 10'Section Number' A SECTION R B 9 30REFFLD(SECREC/SECTION FLIGHT2023/WU- A SCTP) A STUSSN R B 3 30REFFLD(STUDREC/STUSSN FLIGHT2023/WU- A STDP) A R REGCOMPLT A 1 2'Lab 12' A 1 30'Wibaux University' A 2 23'Student Registration aplication' A 1 71DATE A 3 10'Student ID:' A 4 10'Student Name:' A 5 10'Address:' A 6 10'Phone:' A 7 10'Email:' A 9 10'Class Information' A 10 10'Dept:' A 10 20'Course:' A 10 35'Section:' A 10 52'Credits:' A 11 10'Meets:' A 16 4'F3=Exit F12=Cancel' A STUSSN R B 3 30REFFLD(STUDREC/STUSSN FLIGHT2023/WU- A STDP) A STUDNAME 36 B 4 30 A ADDRESS 39 B 5 30 A PHONE R B 6 30REFFLD(STUDREC/PHONE FLIGHT2023/WUS- A TDP) A SEMAIL R B 7 30REFFLD(STUDREC/SEMAIL FLIGHT2023/WU- A STDP) A SECTION R B 9 30REFFLD(SECREC/SECTION FLIGHT2023/WU- A SCTP) A DEPT R B 10 15REFFLD(CRSREC/DEPT FLIGHT2023/WUCRS- A P) A COURSE R B 10 28REFFLD(CRSREC/COURSE FLIGHT2023/WUC- A RSP) A CREDIT R B 10 60REFFLD(CRSREC/CREDIT FLIGHT2023/WUC- A RSP) A SECTION1 R B 10 44REFFLD(SECREC/SECTION FLIGHT2023/WU- A SCTP) A SECDAY R B 11 17REFFLD(SECREC/SECDAY FLIGHT2023/WUS- A CTP) A SECTIM R B 11 21REFFLD(SECREC/SECTIM FLIGHT2023/WUS- A CTP) A 13 10'Press enter to confirm enrolment' A R REGMSG A 1 2'Lab 12' A 1 30'Wibaux University' A 2 23'Student Registration aplication' A 1 71DATE A 11 25'Registration completed' A 12 21'You have been added to the section- A .' A 18 13'Press Enter to continue' A 20 1'F3=Exit F12 = Cancel' A R ERROR A 1 28'ERROR' A 4 14'oNE OR MORE THINGS WERE ENTERED IN- A CORRECTLY' A 10 2'F3=EXIT F12=CANCEL' A R RECORD1 A*%%RS+<record-sequences> A*%%RS+<sequence name="Untitled"> A*%%RS+<device type="display" width="80" height="24" /> A*%%RS+</sequence> A*%%RS </record-sequences>
**FREE//--------------------------------------------------------- WUSTDP, WUSCTP, WUCRSP, and WUENRLP// AUTHOR: VICTOR HERNANDEZ// DATE: 3/8/2024// PROGRAM NAME: LAB12RPG// PURPOSE: ALLOW A STUDENT TO INTERACT WITH A DISPLAY FILE IN ORDER TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES// --------------------------------------------------------FILES//ctl-opt option(*nodebugio:*srcstmt) ;DCL-F LAB12SCRN1 WORKSTN INDDS(INDICATORS);DCL-F WUSTDP USAGE(*OUTPUT:*INPUT);DCL-F WUSCTP USAGE(*OUTPUT:*INPUT);DCL-F WUCRSP USAGE(*OUTPUT);DCL-F WUENRLP USAGE(*OUTPUT);//---------------------------------------------------------VARIABLESDcl-ds Indicators len(99); Exit Ind pos(3); //Exit Cancel Ind pos(12); //Cancel FKey Ind pos(25); //vldcmdkey StudIDErr Ind pos(30); //Student ID error SecNumErr Ind pos(35); //Section number error Enter Ind pos(40); //EnterEND-DS;//---------------------------------------------------------VARIABLESdcl-s SqlString char(100);//---------------------------------------------------------DATA STRUCTURESdcl-ds StudInfo; xStussn Zoned(9:0); xStudname char(36); xAddress char(39); xPhone zoned(10:0); xSEmail char(30);END-DS;dcl-ds ClassInfo; XDept char(3); //WUCRSP XCourse zoned (3:0); //WUCRSP & WUSTDP XSection zoned(5:0); //WUSCTP & WUENRLP XSecday char(3); //WUSCTP xsectim zoned(4:0); // WUSCTP XCredit zoned(1:0); //WUCRSPEND-DS;//---------------------------------------------------------Main Exfmt Studsel; SqlString = 'SELECT STUSSN, (SFNAME CONCAT " " CONCAT SLNAME), '+'(STREET CONCAT " " CONCAT CITY CONCAT " " CONCAT STATE), '+'PHONE, SEMAIL '+'FROM WUSTDP '+'WHERE STUSSN = ?'; clear StudInfo; EXEC SQL PREPARE CUR FROM :SqlString; //exec sql EXECUTE CUR USING :StudInfo; EXEC SQL DECLARE STUDCUR CURSOR FOR CUR; EXEC SQL OPEN STUDCUR using :Studnt; EXEC SQL FETCH STUDCUR INTO :StudInfo; STUSSN = XSTUSSN; STUDNAME = XSTUDNAME; ADDRESS = XADDRESS; PHONE = XPHONE; SEMAIL = XSEMAIL; Exfmt Dispstud;Exec SQL close studcur;*Inlr = *On;Return;