Async calls break router.beforeEach
I am adding redirect functionality in my Nuxt 2 app. I want to call an API when a user clicks on any page, just before the page navigates to that screen. If a redirect exists for that URL, the router...
View ArticleIs there an issue with my file structure that is causing Vercel images not to...
For a school project, I made a quick To-Do list using Vite and React. However, the images aren't working. I'm not too familiar with Vercel or Vite in general, so I was looking for any advice in fixing...
View ArticleHow to decrease the space between image and text?
I'm doing a login and sign up page using flutter. I wanted to put the logo in the welcome screen. However, the distance between the image and the text is too far. This is the code and the image...
View ArticleMake sure BullMQ queue pushes data to single node in redis cluster
I've integrated BullMQ into our Node.js application, leveraging Redis Cluster for production. According to the BullMQ and Redis Cluster documentation I understood that we can give some prefix in key...
View ArticleShow action buttons outside aggrid on cell hover
I am using ReatJS AGGrid enterprise 31.0.3 with Redux.Requirement:On cell hover, add/delete button should appear to left side of the cell, outside the grid (designed attached).Tried 3...
View ArticleCan anyone explain DBOS to me?
I have read on DBOS a bit and I don't get it. How the hell is this an OS? I mean, from what I gather, it's an application (in nodejs) that runs on top of some Linux (Ubuntu, Alpine, whatever). How is...
View ArticleHow to reuse Expo's Audio object for recordings?
I'm trying to implement a way for users to record and send their voice recordings. I've managed to get it working (kind of), however I'm unsure as to whether or not this is the correct approach....
View ArticleWhy does the component not called if I call and assigned it to a variable?
I am using a countBadge component which is called in parent and assigned to a variable;It is passed to the child; In child it will show badge based on viewTypeIf viewType is fullView, count badge will...
View ArticleApache POI: get scroll bar position (horizontal or vertical)
I need help how to get the current scroll bar (vertical or horizontal) position using Apache POI.I browse through the Apache POI (XSSF or HSSF) documentation, but I was unable to find any...
View ArticleHow to remove error message for security audit
As soon as I introduce script in developer tool's console window an error message appearedscript:frame=document.createElement("iframe");frame.src ="/";document.body.appendChild(frame);Error...
View ArticleHow do I mock a REST template exchange?
I have a service in which I need to ask an outside server via rest for some information:public class SomeService { public List<ObjectA> getListofObjectsA() { List<ObjectA> objectAList = new...
View ArticleSpring Boot - Kafka Consumer Bean Scope
I'm using a CacheManager in a Spring Boot application with SCOPE_REQUEST scope.@Bean@Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)public CacheManager...
View ArticleCan't add ScrollBar to ScrollablePositionedList (it doesn't have a...
I'm using the scrollable_positioned_list package, and have it rendering a large dynamic list. It works very well. However, I need my list to have a scrollbar (something like this). So far, this is...
View ArticleCannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction when extending...
I have been using jOOQ for some time and all is good.I am using PostgreSQL as a database in spring boot application.I am using jOOQ Code generation to generate DAOs, POJOs etc..Also, using...
View ArticleIs it possible to write a function that return multiple values to fill an...
I'd like to rewrite the function abc bellowfunction abc(){ return ['a', 'b', 'c'];}in a way I could use it to fill an array exactly like this:$arr = [abc(), 'd', 'etc'];And $arr would be ['a', 'b',...
View ArticleLinking error for SDL2 on linux while building with cargo
I am trying to build a project using cargo and this is the following error I get = note: /usr/bin/ld:...
View ArticleHow to create a Event Channel in Flutter Windows Desktop Application (Dart...
I want create a event channel in my flutter windows application for asynchronous event streams between flutter and windows app.where I want to get a continuous data to be listened, but i am not finding...
View ArticleWhich Service/Platform is fastest for Relational DB Data Seaching? [closed]
I have millions of rows of data in MySQL DB. Can you suggest me any ways for JOINS and fast data retrieval?
View ArticleHow does Application Insights' Provider load?
I am using Application Insights for a Web Service in Azure, and I have configured it using the "Application Insights" panel under "Settings".Even though I haven't added any code specifically to use...
View Articlehow to convert backslash to forward slash in path name on gcp using python
while copying the file path from local to Google Cloud Platform, the path at local is in retail_db\categories\part-00000 format whereas GCP is accepting format as retail_db/categories/part-00000I have...
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