Installing Firefox in Docker Python Image
FROM python:3.9.4-slim-busterENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractiveRUN sudo apt update && apt install firefox -y -fRUN firefox --version || (echo "Error: Failed to install Firefox" && exit...
View ArticleWhen button clicked on load it adds 'undefined' to array
So I'm trying to make a form that accepts names.The input field will take in a name. When you press the submit button it will add the name to an array only ifname!=null andand the name is not a...
View ArticleHow do I use HTML5 and jQuery to properly point to style sheets using onclick...
I found the following stack URL answer:How do I change stylesheet using a dropdown box?For jQuery onclick SwapStyleSheet; I built the following that works great! The only problem is; once I place my...
View ArticleHow can I make my calendar occupy the half of my website? using Shadcn
I'm trying to create a scheduling appointment system, I'm trying to make the calendar occupy the half of my page, but even though I tried to increase it's height and width, it doesn't change...
View ArticleUnderstanding a Query function error message [duplicate]
I am trying to pull the data from 2 dates only but I am getting a error:Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: NO_COLUMN: AHere is the query function that I...
View ArticleWrite multiple line into external files
i have input like this:<input type='hidden' name='col12[]'><input type='hidden' name='col13[]'><input type='hidden' name='col14[]'><input type='hidden' name='col15[]'>i want to...
View ArticleHow to give a view multiple background layer in SwiftUI?
In SwiftUI, how to achieve below effect, as below example, a text view with lightblue bg color(layer1) and white bg color(layer2).I tried with ZStack, but not sure how to provide the same frame for the...
View ArticleHow can I reset a counter within each subfolder level in a loop that access...
I made a script to add a sequential prefix to all folders within a parent folder, but the counter keeps incrementing despite being in a level different than its parent, like...Testing script:# Create...
View Articleeroor React please guide me
ERROR in ./src/App.js 39:41-47export 'Switch' (imported as 'Switch') was not found in 'react-router-dom' (possible exports: AbortedDeferredError, Await, BrowserRouter, Form, HashRouter, Link,...
View ArticleDjango models field not getting generated in database
I am creating a basic Django project. I am using the default db sqlite3. I have created an app product inside my main folder. So, my folder structure is like this:-project -djangoproject -products...
View ArticleLaravel 11 file not found error hello world route in live web server
I installed laravel 11 in my live web server using softaculous to a sub folder under my web root and get the default larawel welcome page when access the . Then I add a route in...
View ArticleWhy is flink UI not showing the right numbers?
I am running a flink job, which takes two data sources and joins them.The output of the join is a dataStream. But I also emit a sideoutput if the join fails. Now I pass the dataStream from the...
View ArticleHow to implement firebase reCAPTCHA in react native without phone number sign...
I am creating a login / sign up page in react native and using firebase for authentication. I need a recaptcha modal like we have normally in app. How can I implement it in react native app using...
View ArticleHow to fix the below mention error in python
context:- your textbelow is my code and It is showing error "import speech_recognition as sr ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'speech_recognition'" `` import os import time import playsound import...
View Articlewhen entering jps it shows many jar files is running, how can stop it
$ jps7296 NodeManager4768 RunJar7169 ResourceManager7682 RunJar9074 Jps4596 RunJar4916 RunJar5271 RunJar6968 SecondaryNameNode6605 NameNodeenter image description herehow to stop all running jar shows...
View ArticleCan scapy errors be removed in exe created by pyinstaller?
I have a python scapy code and its running fine. I created the exe using pyinstaller and tried running from a 2nd pc in which python or scapy is not installed.The tool runs fine on 2nd pc, but at the...
View ArticleHow do I always display my callout in React native maps
I am trying to always display a <Callout /> or a <Marker /> without the need of clicking on the marker.This is my code for my marker callout:<Marker key={}...
View ArticleMatches two line immediately following the target line
I have a list like following:tttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 28758.gif: 100.00%tttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 28759.gif: 98.92%tttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 28760.gif: 100.00%tttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 28761.gif:...
View ArticleUsing rubocop from an environment
When I open the terminal before I can run any ruby commands I have to first run:[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" I have no idea what this does, but it seems to...
View ArticlePrinting PDF generate with Itext7 on a thermal printer Model:P80D
I am trying to print a PDF to a thermal printer via Bluetooth connection in Xamarin Forms.Print text only works correctly. But when I send the PDF it prints with strange symbols.I don't know much about...
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