unable to send email notification from jenkins
From jenkins we are sending mails to our account from many days but all of sudden from past 1 week we are unable to send those.We verified SMTP credentials everything is fine but when i tried to test...
View ArticleT-SQL Min and Max
I am trying to get the min and max values from the results of the first part of my query:SELECT DISTINCT a.[Recording Date],...
View ArticleVS Code: problems with text appearing in emulator for flutter app
I'm a trainee in a really small company, so I don't have much experience and currently I'm having trouble with the android emulator during a test with VS Code in which text doesn't appear, also I...
View ArticleTypeError: mysqli::real_connect(): Argument #3 ($password) must be of type...
So, I'm a begginer and I have just installed XAMPP, and it seemed to work fine. Then I decided it was a good idea to drop all of the databases that are there by default, and since then I get this error...
View ArticlePython Dictionary : Issue in Mapping Sorted dataframe column to a dictionary
Can someone help me understand why python dictionary retain the original data order rather than taking the sorted data.For Example here is a dataframe (df): Id Date 0 AB001 12-03-2020 1 AB002...
View ArticleComparing elements in a array using equalities (Java) slot machine
So what im trying to do is take the randomly generated elements in my array and commpare them to make sure all three are the same.import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.Random;public class Main {...
View ArticlePostgresql how to transform and summarize rows count
This is my datawith _temp_data as (select unnest(ARRAY['A','B','A','A']) as hobbies_1 ,unnest(ARRAY['E','F','A','F']) as hobbies_2)select * from _temp_dataInput...
View ArticleDisplay Data from Drive D: in the Gridview
I have a gridview that displays data from drive D:Code:ObservableCollection<Book> datasource = new ObservableCollection<Book>(); Book book = new Book(); book.Name =...
View ArticleCaffeine cache with custom expiry set dynamically never expires the cache and...
My spring config bean@Beanpublic Cache<String, Oauth2Token> Oauth2Cache(){ return Caffeine.newBuilder() .initialCapacity(100) .maximumSize(1000) .expireAfter(new CustomExpiryOauth())...
View ArticleHow to add custom html files similar to the html files generated by Next.js...
I want to add custom html files in the out folder created by Next.js static export build. As Next.js creates html files in static export build, i want to create some of the dynamic pages using the...
View ArticleA conda activated virtual enviroment is not running the Python file when...
I have created a virutal environment using conda, and am trying to run a python script in it using a flask end point call. The code is not executing , whereas if I run the file from terminal by getting...
View ArticleJavascrtipt file added via Add As Link available in published version but not...
In Visual Studio I have a solution that consists of several different projects. I would like to consolidate some javascrtipt into a common project that then is added to the other projects via Add...
View Articlehow to run shell commands inside docker container?
import docker# Initialize the Docker clientclient = docker.from_env()# Define Docker run optionsdocker_run_options = {'name': 'container-name','user': 'dafoamuser','mounts': [ {'type': 'bind','source':...
View ArticleDocker + Selenium Chrome driver error: Server terminated early with status 127
I have a Docker script that runs some Selenium test scripts.Here are the Dockerfile contents:FROM selenium/hub:nightlyWORKDIR /usr/src/appRUN sudo apt-get updateCOPY . /usr/src/app/RUN sudo curl -fsSL...
View ArticleProcess several thousand messages with a single Service Bus sender
I am utilizing Azure Service Bus with a .NET Core 3.1 application. My application receives thousands of requests and places them in the topic. The question I want to ask is whether I should create a...
View ArticleDomain transfer from Route 53 to other registrar
I have a question that arose while working on domain migration-related tasks.I'm curious about what backend operations AWS performs when transferring to another institution via Route 53. As far as I...
View ArticleReact Outlook Add-in interface bug
Our organization has an Outlook add-in written in React. Not so long ago, a bug appeared when you open the letter completely and open the taskpane setting, part of the letter management interface...
View ArticleError with add_censor_mark() in ggsurvfit package when used with weighted...
Wanted to add censor mark to the weighted KM curves but encountered error - any work around or solutions?fit <- survfit2(Surv(survival_time, event) ~ tx, data = ttd, weights = wt01)fit %>%...
View Articlehow many hours to take fastboot on android devices
It's difficult to estimate the exact time it takes to complete a fastboot installation on an Android device as it varies depending on factors like device model, firmware size, and hardware...
View ArticleKaka Producer is not retrying in Spring Boot Application
I am trying to test re-try Exception property of Kafka Producer in case of transient error. But it is not retrying. I read somewhere that the ProducerConfig.RETRIES_CONFIG configuration in Kafka works...
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