How to upload a file on supabase using ssr auth and RLS?
I am trying to upload a file to a supabase bucket that contains RLS policies for insertionBEGIN;ALTER POLICY "Allow users to insert avatar photo" ON "storage"."objects" WITH CHECK (((bucket_id =...
View Articleusing Spring boot MVC able to view the jsp page while I am using LocalHost...
I am able to view my JSP form when I'm using local host but unable to do so when I have deployed it as jar. Unable to determine what is the primary cause.I've already tried most of the solution found...
View ArticleWordpress + elementor - adding contrast and text size changes
I have never had contact with WP and Elementator. I have a little problem, I would like to do something like this: icons:1 - Zoom in and out of text2 - changing the contrast on...
View ArticleMongoDB aggregation with lookup pipeline
My mongoDB statistical query is not performing as expected even after I aggregate all of the queries into a mongoDB aggregation. The final query result still contains an incorrect value.[ {"$match":...
View ArticleAnsibe - Using sudo after switching user
I've an environment where you have a personal user with you can connect to the servers. (i.e. connectuser). With that user you have the permission (%connectusers ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/su -...
View ArticleWeird overlap with russian street names
I am not sure why but on my website with leaflet, since yesterday the map is blurry, the tiles border are visible and on some tiles I have this weird overlap with english and russian street names:I...
View ArticleDo Vite Build with Playcanvas embed work?
I am kind of new to Vite Configurations and Playcanvas Optimization, I have been working on a project that requires Vanilla Javascript + Vite + Playcanvas Embed.Overall everything is working fine in my...
View ArticleReact Native - Element type is invalid, but changing imports not helping
I saw lots of other questions about this error, and the solution is often a wrong import/export. However, I have been getting this error for a while, and all the imports seem to be correct. How can...
View ArticlePython autocomplete doesn't work with inheritance
So i'm trying to implement inheritance in python with a class that has some abstracts methods.I created my class following this doc, and added some abstract methods.from abc import ABC,...
View ArticleHow to round time to the nearest quarter hour in JavaScript?
For example:Given time: 08:22 => Rounded to: 08:15Given time: 08:23 => Rounded to: 08:30Should be pretty simple. But all I was able to produce is lengthy, not very good code to solve the issue....
View ArticleCan I add message to the tqdm progressbar?
When using the tqdm progress bar: can I add a message to the same line as the progress bar in a loop?I tried using the "tqdm.write" option, but it adds a new line on every write. I would like each...
View ArticleFirestore query by date range
I need the help to query long collection with date range. See the below example document. I wanna query startTime field using date range.
View ArticleHow can I send byte array from unity to JavaScript?
This is my byte array on Unity side.byte[] array1 = new byte[(int)size1];I want to send it to .jslib like this:[DllImport("__Internal")]private static extern void LoadJavaScriptFile(byte[] array,int...
View ArticleAttributeError: 'FirefoxProfile' object has no attribute 'set_proxy'
Hi I'm trying to run this:from browsermobproxy import Serverserver = Server('path')server.start()proxy = server.create_proxy()from selenium import webdriverprofile =...
View ArticleParsing file into helm template
I try parsing fileVAR1=https://com.domVAR2=abcd=efg=by template{{- range $path, $_ := $.Files.Glob $envPath }} {{- range split "\n" ($.Files.Get $path) }} {{- if . }} {{- $kv := splitList "=" . -}} {{-...
View ArticleCombining ENV variables in helm chart
Based on this SO, this should work and I'm not sure what I'm missing.I'm trying to combine env variables in a helm chart. TARGET and TARGET_KEY, but I'm getting: - name: TARGET_KEY # combining keys...
View ArticleHelm - Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that...
I have an application "A" which requires postgres database. Once I deploy the helm chart it deploys the child dependent chart postgres.helm install application_A -n mynamspace...
View ArticleHelm chart: Why environment variable defined in values.yml of helm chart not...
I am trying to add environment variable to my wordpress helm chart. My values.yml file looks like :#pvc wordpresspersistence: enabled: false#pvc mariadbmariadb: enabled: false externalDatabase: host:...
View ArticleMAUI Best method of setting the configuration per environment
So I have a MAUI app with a lifecycle config of the followingDev machine configDev environment config (early preview)Staging (UAT) configProduction (Live) configQuestion: How do I configure the app as...
View ArticleError when performing pod install command
I installed Flutter with following the documentation at their website but when I want to run it and perform pod install I get this error. I tried changing version of Cocoapods but it doesn't work. Does...
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