I am trying to add environment variable to my wordpress helm chart. My values.yml file looks like :
#pvc wordpresspersistence: enabled: false#pvc mariadbmariadb: enabled: false externalDatabase: host: mysql port: 3306 user: benighil@benighil password: "SomePassword" database: bitnami_wordpressextraEnv: - name: "WORDPRESS_DATABASE_SSL_CA_FILE" # <== THIS ONE value: /tmp/ca-cert## Additional volume mounts## Example: Mount CA fileextraVolumeMounts: - name: ca-cert mountPath: /tmp## Additional volumes## Example: Add secret volumeextraVolumes: - name: ca-cert secret: secretName: ca-cert
But i generate a template using the following cmd :
helm template wp azure-marketplace/wordpress -n app --create-namespace -f values.yml > template.yml
and when i search the word : WORDPRESS_DATABASE_SSL_CA_FILE
in the file template.yml
terminal: grep WORDPRESS_DATABASE_SSL_CA_FILE template.yml
there is nothing returned !
I would like to know why ?
Thank you in advance!