I have an application "A" which requires postgres database. Once I deploy the helm chart it deploys the child dependent chart postgres.
helm install application_A -n mynamspace ./applicationA-0.1.0.tgz
Now I have another application "B" which also requires postgres database. I wish to deploy the application B in the same namespace but it should not deploy new postgres POD as it is already available from Application A's deployment.
helm install application_B -n mynamspace ./applicationB-0.1.0.tgz
It fails with the following error -
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists
I want helm to recognize that the dependency of application 'B' is already deployed with the desired version and hence it should automatically avoid deploying the dependent chart.
I am aware of conditional deployment of subchart. It requires me to find out what is already available using shell script to toggle the condition while deploying Application B.
Is there any way in helm to automatically avoid deploying subchart if it is already deployed?
helm version - v3.8.0