Not able to debug notificaton content extension in ios 10 notification
print statement does not work inside notification content extension, although I am able to modify the Label text and other fields, below is my codeclass NotificationViewController: UIViewController,...
View ArticleExtract a unique distinct list sorted alphabetically and ignore blanks from a...
I'm trying to solve the requirement mentioned in the above subject line. To do that, I have taken the following formula from the link mentioned below =INDEX($B$3:$B$7,...
View ArticleWhy am I getting "npm WARN tarball tarball data for ... seems to be...
I have a simple project that was installing fine on 17. I upgraded my node version to 18 and now I get these for all the deps when I run npm i...npm WARN tarball tarball data for...
View Articletailwind css showing warnings about generated css file missing styles
This is my first time installing and running tailwind CSS. I follow the instructions and did everything accordingly but then it started showing some warnings like belowCan you tell me why I am getting...
View ArticleCan I have two independent LEDs?
Using a V1 micro:bit, is it possible to have two independent LEDs? I want one to act as a heartbeat (flash once a second), the other to indicate, for example, go/nogo.Whatever pairings I’ve tried,...
View Articleerror while build iOS app in Xcode : Sandbox: rsync.samba (13105) deny(1)...
while building iOS app on Xcode I got these 2 errors, I tried to build the iOS on visual studio code and I got the same errors. the operating system macOS 14.0 beta. processor M1 ProCould downgrading...
View ArticleAlgorithm for transformation of an 1-D-gradient into a special form of a...
Assuming there is a 1-D array/list which defines a color gradient I would like to use it in order to create a 2-D color gradient as follows:Let's for simplicity replace color information with a single...
View ArticleExpose ports on a GithHub Docker Action
ProblemI've been trying to setup a SurrealDB container within my test job in GitHub Actions. The step I am currently struggling with is that I can't find a way to expose the ports on my surreal-db...
View ArticleHow to debug integration tests in typescript using Pycharm?
I am using PyCharm for coding in typescript. I can run npm run test:integration for running tests in the integration directory. However, I want to debug the tests.The skeleton is:my_project /src /tests...
View ArticleFFmpeg.Autogen : Issue with Zero-Sized Atom Boxes in MP4 Output
I just started learning ffmpeg using ffmpeg.autogen wrapper version 5.1 in c#, and ffmpeg shared libs version 5.1. Im trying to facilitate a class which screenrecords using gdigrab and produces...
View Articlegrep or sed to delete 1 line after a match (but not the match)?
I'm trying to write a command to amend an xml file to remove the first of each pair of lines with a <display-name> occurrence.In other words, my file looks like...<?xml version="1.0"...
View ArticleHow to download html with curl or wget from a page using a JavaScript login...
I am trying to scrape the "status page" of my PV system as follows:In a regular browser, I simply open this page: opens a login...
View ArticleSplitting a string and drawing hline for its individual values without...
here is the instructions:1.script gets the input string2.separates that by |3.then separate each part again by ","4.then draws a line for each far I have come to this...
View ArticleIf statement isn't showing console.log when condition passed and continue...
So there's a simple code with vanilla JavaScript.const button = document.getElementById('btn');const input = document.getElementById('amount');let list = [];button.addEventListener('click', () => {...
View ArticleGet timezone for specific date
I have a list of dates formatted like so:'2024-01-01`I need to turn them into ISO datetimes like so:`2024-01-01T00:00:00-08:00`I thought this would be easy, I was wrong. I've seen many questions talk...
View ArticleHandles for certain programs are not properly detached when launched using...
I want to use the windows api to launch other programs (.exe, .url, .lnk) on my computer, so I use the following to do soint main() { //const std::wstring& programPath =...
View ArticleHow do I add a std::unique_ptr owning a CDialogEx to a std::vector avoiding...
C++ and Windows are fighting with each other, and I need to get them to stop.I have a Visual Studio 2022 generated class that implements CDialogEx, and I need to add this to an array capable of insert....
View ArticleJS navigator.clipboard.writeText() run on localserver accessed via another PC...
I have this strange js issue: I am running the js code below...jQuery('.hardlink').click(function(){ var hardlink = jQuery(this).attr("data-hardlink");...
View ArticleWhat is the import for this Java function?
array = ArrayUtils.removeElement(array, element)Hello I am trying to use the above Array Utlity but i do not know what I need to import in order to use it.I am using Apache NetbeansIDE 22I have...
View ArticleHTTP , Why it is recommended to use etag and last mofidied together
In other words, the preferred behavior for an HTTP/1.1 origin server is to send both a strong entity tag and a Last-Modified value.But I'm a little confused as to why
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