How can I Enabling JDBC Driver Uploads on jasper server version 9?
I want to add oracle ojdbc6 driver to jasper server version 9when I go to New data source page I cannot find Select driver to install the driver ,I checked the following link they write to enable JDBC...
View ArticleSpark Dataframe and RDD's are making my code slower
d2v_rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("") for row in d2v_rdd.collect(): row_elements = row.split("\t") vector_dict[row_elements[0]] = np.array(row_elements[1:][0]) #Getting the dim features from the...
View ArticleIs it possible to count distinct with multiple conditions using MS Excel 2010?
A company has 3 zones, each zone has a specific number of customers. I have a task to count the number of customers on 2 dates: 1/1/2023 and 31/10/2023 for different zones.Below is the raw data|...
View ArticleCan not deserialize Spring Boot WebClient response to Java POJO
I have an API which responds with the following JSON data{"message": "...","status": "OK","data": {"host": "","port": 8080 }}I am trying to request this API and store the result into a...
View ArticleAngular PWA - only fallback back to cached index.html if offline
I added PWA to my Angular app recently but started noticing that when serving from the sericeworker it was actually slower than not, so I looked in network tab and saw:Whereby it was loading the first...
View ArticleHow to remove Shrine non existing locally images from model
I loaded db dump for my project.Every Member has avatar_data (a shrine image) but i don't have those images locally.I want to clean up Members and remove all attachments and all images.How to remove...
View ArticleFiles.move() is not moving all the files from a Azure File Share volume...
We have a spring-boot app which is a Camunda External Task client services deployed on Azure AKS.For this app we have mounted Azure File Share as a PV.Now, a service in the app is designed to move all...
View ArticleCheck if array is a VLA at compile-time
@Lundin shows how to check if a passed expression is an array at compile-time here: Lvalue conversion of _Generic controlling expression involving array clang warning wrong?:#define IS_ARRAY(T) \...
View ArticleIs it possible to fix the typescript error below by Record?
Like below, the vscode will show type error because missing a 'aa' type in the data field. Well, how can I fix it elegantly?interface A { data: Record<'aa' | 'bb', string>}let a: A = { data: {...
View ArticleJava / Hibernate - Write operations are not allowed in read-only mode
I've been having an annoying exception a lot lately, and after some research on Google and this forum I still haven't found an answer that could solve my problem.Here's the thing - sometimes, I get the...
View ArticleAre C# and .NET versions dependent on each other?
I'm just starting to learn C# and its relationship to .NET. If say I wanted to take advantage of the latest C# language conventions, but wanted to target, say a .NET 2.0 framework, could I do that? Or...
View ArticleERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
After installing MySQL for the first time, the command line client is not opening so i searched for solutions.They said i must go to the bin directory and run it manually. and after I run below command...
View ArticlePython get two value difference and their remaining percentage
In python i have a two variable like :toatalCount = 4completedCount = 2what i actually want is i want 50 as a result what i am getting through this .formula = 100/(toatalCount - completedCount)but when...
View ArticleHow to forcefully fail the powershell script based on condition
I am trying to fail the powershell script if count of rows are less than 2 in a source file i.e. if file has only headers but no rows. but script is not getting failed. It's exiting without...
View ArticleHow to convert "frozenset({})" string to the data type frozenset?
I am trying to learn recommendation systems. I've imported associative rules to my sheet but antecedents and consequents values are formatted as strings I need to convert them to the data type...
View ArticleWhy aren't all React components wrapped with React.memo() by default?
I've just learned about React.memo() and was wondering, when would we NOT want that behavior? Wouldn't we always want components to only re-render if their props have been changed?
View ArticlePlaywright JavaScript - How can I reuse locator variables within different...
I want to be able to use a locator variable within all the tests without having to define it every time inside each test.Something like:// @ts-checkconst { test, expect } =...
View Articlefopen() cannot read .xml file from connection
I was able to read the .xml file, which is publicly available and accessible from the web browser, in a normal way until today as follows.$file_handle = fopen($exchanges_file_url, 'r');However, as of...
View ArticleCatalina Tomcat 9 stuck at 'Stopping'
I'm currently using Eclipse and tomcat 9.0.55 on Fedora 39, facing this issue for some days, when i try to stop the server it always get stuck at 'Stopping'.And stays in limbo forever, or until i kill...
View ArticleHow to change model opacity with animation?
I want to change the opacity of a 3D object with animation. Since RealityKit is highly integrated with SwiftUI on visionOS, I tried this method:let model = ModelEntity()withAnimation(.easeInOut) {...
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