Get date from input form within PHP
I'm trying to retrieve a date from a date input form and I just can't get it to work properly. The code I'm using now only returns an error and this date: 1970-01-01. That is not correct and I would...
View ArticleWhy I can not convert filter object to list [duplicate]
I am having trouble in converting a filter object to a list, when it can be converted to setlist_nums_2 = [2, 4, 5, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 1, 0]evens = filter(lambda a: a % 2 == 0,...
View ArticleHow does count distinct work in Apache spark SQL
I am trying to count distinct number of entities at different date ranges.I need to understand how spark performs this operationval distinct_daily_cust_12month = sqlContext.sql(s"select distinct...
View ArticleVS Code Server for WSL closed unexpectedly
I am trying to run a Python project on the WSL (Ubuntu-18.04 distribution) system with VS code. I have the WSL - Remote plugin v0.39.9 installed. When run the command:code .Receive the...
View ArticleWhat happens to the .env file when I build my react app with npm run build?
The build version is working perfectly but can't see where it stores the environment variables. Are they hidden or visible to everyone ?
View ArticleHonoJS CORS with cloudflare worker
I'm starting with cloudflare worker and used the recommended routing framework HonoJS.Now the documented way of implementing cors functionallity doesn't work for me on my developement machine (npm run...
View ArticleOptimizing Performance of Non-Recursive CTEs in BigQuery
I have a query like this.WITH all_products AS ( SELECT gtin, category, product_name, product_image, brand, manufacturer FROM `products`),client_products as ( SELECT * FROM all_products WHERE client_id...
View ArticleHAL_UART_receive function is not writing the data to rxData[] properly
When I try sending 4 digits from serial monitor to UART using HAL_UART_Receive() , the array looks like image shown below.Now that 1234 is stored in an array, if I re-execute the code, to write to the...
View ArticleFastAPI - Shopify computed hmac not matching received one
I’m building a Shopify public app and I’m having trouble with the HMAC verification process. Despite using the Shopify Secret from the Dashboard of my app at, I can’t get the...
View ArticleOmitting 'fields' Query Parameter in FacebookAdsApiBatch via APIRequest with...
I am currently using facebook-nodejs-business-sdk:"^18.0.0" graph api for Insights.I have below piece of code in map which returns array of Api requests. Using the the instance of FacebookAdsApiBatch i...
View ArticleTrouble with switch rules on Java Maven [closed]
I dont know if this is dumb question, but how can I get rid off this error? I've been losing my mind over it.Error printFull code:There are some Portuguese word here and there, I hope that doesn't make...
View ArticleCannot connect My SQL Database with FastAPI and SQL SqlAlchemy
I have just started learning about Python and FastAPI to participate in a new project, but I can't create tables or ensure that the application has connected to MySQL, is my code or MySQL cause the...
View ArticlePanoramic camera calibration without chessboard method
I have an image of a panoramic video camera (dual lens) in which there is a visible distortion. As the camera it's in a fixed position, and without any zoom or any other movement, and I have a lot of...
View ArticleHow to make an instance of an interface inside a constructor?
I'm coding GUI for my Java project. Here are some info:I have an interface EmployeeController.public interface EmployeeController { void addEmployee(Employee employee); Employee getEmployeeById(int...
View Articleflutter dio make a multipart request
I am using the following simplified code to make a multipart request with dio Future<void> _updateAvatar(AssetEntity entity) async { var file = await entity.file; if (file == null){...
View ArticlePandasonic way to combine multiple columns with expected format
There's a dataframe X with "Year", "Month" and "Day" as integer below, Year Month Day A B C ...0 2020 10 10 ...1 2021 1 1 ...2 2022 1 10 ...3 2023 10 1 ......There's another dataframe Y with "Date" as...
View ArticleViolating the Single Responsibility Principle?
We are creating a one-to-many relationship in a class, for example, a student can have many books.In this class, are we not breaking the Single Responsibility Principle?Because Student class has its...
View ArticleHow to add video/x-r to a c++ program
everyone, I'm starting to study GStreamer, I want to write applications for recording the screen and transferring the image over tcp\udp to another computer.The problem is that I still can't figure out...
View Articlewhich is compatible react-native carousel snap version to react -native 0.74.1?
"@types/react-native-snap-carousel": "^3.8.11", i tried this version with react-native 0.74.1 but i have faced some issues "my server development page goes to blank"and i have this error message from...
View Articleobtaining objects from array but array shows empty
I was trying to write a class method to list out employee's name from google Firestore. The class is then use in other pages.After using getDocs() to get DocumentSnapShot of the collection, the...
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