Error when trying to set Key for custom component
Using React with Typescript I am trying to do the simple thing, that is iterate through a collection of object and based on each of those - create an instance of custom component.Given that I'm using...
View ArticleHow to use a Threadpool with recursive jobs?
I have a simple usecase - I want to perform some operation on each file in a directory. For example, let's just say I want to print the file name. A very simple single threaded option for this is below...
View ArticleConnection between table seo_url and table product_category in Shopware6
is it possible, connecting table seo_url with table product_category by Query? If yes, which tables have to be joined?
View ArticleSpring Boot and Docker Compose cannot access Postgres
I am using Spring Boot 3.3.0 and Docker. I am using the spring-boot-docker-compose dependency so that Spring Boot starts the Docker image automatically when Spring Boot starts...
View ArticleFetch data through pinia store in nuxt3 project on ssr
I'm trying to create a Pinia store where I can collect and modify the data that is fetched in my application.From my components, I want to just call the store in order to get the data needed, and then...
View ArticleHow can I make my code see functions in multi-line string literal
I have code to measure time correctly with using multi-line string literal and I want to make a memory measurement but because I use multi-line to measure time, I cannot use the functions that I have...
View ArticleCan't Select MRU Recent Files Item Twice
I have an application which uses a RibbonApplicationMenu which I've created using the example at WPF ObservableCollection not updating in ribbon view. This lists the most recently opened files....
View ArticleHow to exact match withing column using QUERY in Google Sheets?
I have some values in the cell AA1 as 'SONA'|'SONAKSHI'|'SUMON'|'SUMONA'But it gives result as SONA'|'SONAKSHI'|'SUMON'|'SUMONA'I have created a formula,=let(cell,indirect($CA$27&"1"),...
View ArticleHow can I group dates by the first of the month, while counting values for...
So i have this database which is connected to a java program using H2.In it, i have the table ASSEGNAZIONI_IN, which for this purpose contains the DATA column and the ID column, respectively of the...
View ArticleWhich is the URL used by an iOS app to issue HTTPS requests?
How do I find the URL used by the app to issue HTTPS requests?I am trying to setup hot-linking so images stored in my AWS S3 Bucket (ObjectStore) can only be accessed via my website and iOS app. But I...
View ArticleAdding multiple instances of an image into xlsx using openpyxl
I have a task to automate the generation of reports in Excel. One of the features of this report is that it is necessary to add pictures of products, the same ones several times on different sheets....
View Articlelookup and sum then trasnpose patterned with dates
Can anyone help me in doing this with Formula I don't want to use VBA.sodo a lookup (if you can use Filter formula) with ‘code’ trigger, to produce ‘Qty’ and ‘Date’after that, the lookup result data,...
View ArticleFlutter Web - Reload Web App Save Data From other page
im working on a flutter web app and im encourting an problem related to the reload of the web page, the navigation as two String requirements, one is the id that goes to the url and the other one is...
View ArticleMissing dependency in openSUSE with error "‘uint16_t’ is defined in header...
I am compiling project from git, instructions are giving information about required packages in Ubuntu/Debian but I use openSUSE Tumbleweed and I don't know which dependency is missing. Despite having...
View ArticleHow to backtrack Apache Superset Installation?
I was installing Apache superset on my local machine. On there website, there are three approaches to install,docker compose updocker compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml updocker compose -f...
View ArticleUnit testing a class that contains multiple continuous tasks at the background
I would like to unit test the WpaConnection class which contains multiple continuous tasks. Starting of these task is dependent on TCP connection. I would like to gather some information on what would...
View ArticleHow to find multiple entries with multiple minimum values in a...
I'm working on an online leaderboard, and basically I have a multidimensional array of completion times for an activity that looks something like thisarray(4) { [0]=> array(3) { ["name"]=> "John...
View ArticleGood practice to create beans from dependencies on condition
I have:module app-coremodule reporting-apimultiple moduiles such as reporting-elastic, reporting-kafka and so has dependency to reporting-api and also to reporting implementationsreporting...
View ArticleQtPushbutton second button blocks release event of first button
I created two QTpushbutton buttons in two different instancesI use two Qt 5.19 QPushButton buttons (button 1 and button 2)I hold down the button 1I hold down the button 2I release button 1not released...
View ArticleChange collations of all columns of all tables in SQL Server
I imported a database with some data to compare with another database.The target database has collation Latin1_General_CI_AS and the source database has SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.I did change the...
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