Yaml file not found when importing SpringBoot applications From Eclipse to...
I want to try IntelliJMy Eclipse IDE setup is configured using a workspace CoandaAirlinesOn this workspace I have coanda-airlines that is a multi maven module project, 2 of those modules are spring...
View ArticleHow to remove a child node in xslt but only for a value-of element?
I have an xml doc like this :<doc><article><photo><caption><p> caption text<credit>photo...
View ArticleCan SQLITE database files used for attacking [closed]
I'm implementing a client to a web service that offers multiple download options - CSV, JSON, Parquet and SQLITE ".db". The response data set has a small number of tabular data sets. SQLite is a good...
View ArticleHow can I find an ValueError in my dataset? [closed]
I have a dataset containing time values, and each time it runs, it brings up the same error "ValueError: time data "['12:00'" does not match format '%H:%M'".I have tried to look for the error manually...
View ArticleWhy is it showing an error when setting default argument value with the...
I want to create a function that calculates expense total and income total based on the provided month, and if a year is not provided, it should calculate based on the current year.So I want to give...
View ArticleStatic class value will not persist when project published to IIS host
Sorry, I'm really lost, I don't know what makes the problem, Is It IIS or my code? so I'll explain from first.I'm working on a website project using ASP.net MVC and Web API. I need to save users data...
View ArticleHow to automate moving items with python on a web page
I have been trying to make a program that brute forces infinite craft, a game where u combine 4 elements and u end up with infinite words. neal.fun/infinite-craft. So far I figured that I would use...
View ArticleLaravel can no longer find my self-created commands
no matter what command I want to execute, Laravel responds with the following error:There are no commands defined in the "dev" namespace.It doesn't matter which of my commands I run. I always get the...
View ArticleUnexpected error on a route on Next js project src/app router only on server
The problem Im facing is that neither on development nor on production,when Im on local, i get no error on the route of /blog/page.jsx . The moment i check the same page on the deployed version i see...
View Articleusing getElementsByName() together with document.getElementById() or...
I am trying to find all HTML tags with a specific name "name" inside an element with a specific id.document.getElementById("myid").getElementsByName("name");throws error getElementsByName is not a...
View ArticleHow to disable keyboard input from displaying on the terminal while still...
I am new to NodeJS. I am working on a Node.js application where I need to disable keyboard input from being displayed on the terminal screen. However, I still want to detect keypress events. I want to...
View ArticleHow can I insert unescaped text node into XmlElement?
I'd like to dynamically add style information to a HTML page using the .NET XmlDocument/XmlElement objects.But whenever I add a text node with content like this: table.songsTable > colGroup >...
View ArticleConverting Bytes back to file in Python
please how to do i convert a sequence of bytes back to the original file in python(Excel file in my case)?with open('excel.xlsx', 'rb') as file:content = file.read() This line of code returns a bytes...
View ArticleSlice long image into a multipage PDF
I have a PNG image (a screenshot of a web page) around 1000 by 9000 pixels, and I want to slice it into a multipage PDF, either Letter (8.5 by 11 inches) or A4 (210 x 297 mm), with 1 inch margins.For...
View ArticleExtract JOIN conditions from SQL using Antlr4 and Python
I would like to use Antrl4 in Python to process SQL/PLSQL scripts and extract JOIN conditions.In order to do I am trying, first, to understand how these are represented in the parser tree returned by...
View ArticleI am using java8's stream.filter() method which takes a predicate and return...
`There's a employee list, first 4 characters shows employee joining year. I want to get all employees who joined in 2023. I'm using java , stream and filter method to do this.but filter() method,...
View ArticleIs it possible to create publication and replication slot in the same...
I try to create PostgreSQL replication slot by the next command:DO $$BEGINIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication WHERE pubname = 'trade_events_pub') THEN CREATE PUBLICATION...
View ArticleZellij: activate Python virtualenv on startup
In Zellij I want to activate Python virtualenv on startup with predifined layout.Some suggested to use direnv shell extension.But I don`t want to use shell extensions, since layout is intended to be...
View ArticleRunning a project from Git
there is a project from Git that I am trying to run and it is not working for me.At first there was a problem with the versions of the node. After we updated it is still an error and shows that...
View ArticleLimiting how many checkboxes can be checked on Gravity Forms
I need to limit how many checkboxes can be checked on my gravity forms. But it makes an error. This is my code :new GFLimitCheckboxes(2, array(37 => array('max' => 2)));My error : Fatal error:...
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