I added PWA to my Angular app recently but started noticing that when serving from the sericeworker it was actually slower than not, so I looked in network tab and saw:
Whereby it was loading the first doc by serviceworker (at top) and then loading the doc 3 more times each time with a new request ID proving it was literally loading my app 3 times over...
This actually creates a noticeable pause when loading the site.
Is there any way I can make the PWA only fallback to serviceworker for index.html when offline, and just query for latest version on the spot?
Here is my ngsw-config.json:
{"$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/service-worker/config/schema.json","index": "/index.html","assetGroups": [ {"name": "app","installMode": "lazy","updateMode": "lazy","resources": {"files": ["/favicon.ico","/index.html","/*.css","/*.js" ] } }, {"name": "assets","installMode": "lazy","updateMode": "lazy","resources": {"files": ["/assets/**","/*.(svg|cur|jpg|jpeg|png|apng|webp|avif|gif|otf|ttf|woff|woff2)" ] } } ]}
I also have index.html cache age set to 24 hours in my CDN.