Create a new file in the directory of the open file in vim?
I find myself in the position where I want to create a new file in the same directory as the one that the open file is in. How do I create a new file in the directory of the open file in vim? Also, is...
View Articleresultset isn't going into while loop and set the value
Observing a strange behavior of this piece of code,because resultset is not giving the null value(doing SOP it's clear)but not going into while loop(that is quite strange!)and it's simple dao...
View ArticleHow to bind data to the form in symfony
I have a variable that need to be bind into a form in symfony, how can I bind data from action file to form?The Action File $this->unitCost = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('unit_cost');...
View ArticleShow advanced custom field value in custom column (wp_list_table)
I made a custom post type named address and added values to it with the plugin advanced custom fields. I would like to display those values in a custom column in the wp-list-table. So I managed to add...
View ArticleDifference between Role vs ClusterRole
Which is the difference between a Role or a ClusterRole?When should I create one or the other one?I don't quite figure out which is the difference between them.
View ArticleI would like to Prevent categories from being overwritten during woocommerce...
I would like to Prevent categories from being overwritten during woocommerce csv Product upload.When updating products useing built in woocommerce csv importer i would like to prevent existing...
View ArticleRoblox Studio: CharacterAdded is not a valid member of Players
I was working on a kill-logs script that would when a person dies send data over a webhook ( plr.username has died!) But, I got stuck on an error that I can't really seem to fix '' CharacterAdded is...
View ArticlePhantomjs won't install: Autoconfiguration Error
When trying to install Phantomjs on Ubuntu 22.04, I get the following error:There are some Q.& A's here from 2015-2022, I tried all of the included...
View ArticleAdding the latest WooCommerce products to the default WordPress blog feed
I've added this code to functions.php.function rss_woo_latest($content) {if( is_feed() ){$args = array( 'numberposts'=> 3,'orderby' => 'post_date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'product'...
View ArticleWhere user's Google Cloud Run metrics should be in Monitoring?
I have a service in Google Cloud Run and want to write some metrics to Google Cloud Monitoring.Google Cloud Run seems to have separate resource in Google Monitoring: Cloud Run Revision.But...
View ArticleReact Google Maps API MarkerClusterer rerender
I'm working on a proximity app. The database contains longitude, latitude and a geohash of each item. The client supplies GPS coordinates to the server. The server then converts those coordinates to a...
View ArticleEFCore override SaveChangesAsync does not save entity
public override Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default){ foreach(var entry in base.ChangeTracker.Entries<BaseDateEntity>() .Where(q => q.State ==...
View ArticleCreate 8 bit compressed RGB with Pillow
For my college project, I need to convert a 4-byte colored png file to a 1-byte colored png file using Keil.I've converted a png file to a hex file using Python, then loaded a hex file in Keil,...
View ArticleModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'azure.identity'
I am making a foray into writing a webhook listener in Visual Studio Code using Python. I will admit I am a tyro, so do bear with me. The initial example in VSC for a webhook listener is...
View ArticleHow to Get Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0 in the msix format
I am doing this on a non-admin user and I am trying to get .NET 6.0 Sdk as MSIX.I tried dotnet-install script but nothing worked. And when I ran dotnet --list-sdks but there was none. There were only...
View ArticleAzureDevops Server 2008- Workitem Cascading filed are not working
We are using AzureDevops Server 2008, and we couldnt find any feature available to create Workitems with cascading fields. We were trying to create some workflow/process for our support requests and...
View ArticleAzure APIM subscription-key policy not working
I am trying to figure out azure apim, i am primarily using it to make azure functions to a domain name, all the endpoints are all public facing and all use OAuth for authentication.However I am having...
View Articlein the bottom navigation the ids in the switch case are giving error but iam...
This is my code:public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {...
View ArticleHow to execute a pywinauto automation script through an Azure DevOps...
I've developed an pywinauto automation script to automate an desktop application and pushed it to a repo in order to execute it through a pipeline in an agent machine, when I try to execute manually it...
View ArticleRead and Write Into HUGE json files
I am working on Mongo ChangeStreams and storing my db changes (before and after) packets in my local system and then another script reads and upload these files to s3.My Folder structure:Parent_Folder...
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