.Net 6 worker service EF 6 - Repository DI cannot consume scoped service
I have below folder structure in the .Net 6 worker service with EF 6,Solution file(.sln)||_ Data(.csproj)| |_ Models| | |_ DatadbContext.cs| || |_ Repository| |_ DbRepository.cs| |_ IDbRepository.cs||_...
View ArticleActiveMQ Classic 6.0 security configuration issue
The security of plain usernames and passwords are working fine. But in the use case where I want to introduce the encrypted passwords the clients side is working fine. But webconsole is not logging in...
View ArticlePair Pop Up Come Twice Android Bluetooth
Below issue is observed in android 14(and might be in lower android versions as well).When bond is created with peripheral, I removed bond from device setting, then I try to pair again, in this case...
View ArticleSQLite Date Range Not Recognized
I have a SQLite database table that contains a column for date. The date column has values that span across 2023 and 2024. The table has entries for November 2023 and May 2024.When I execute the...
View ArticleI'm using Python to run a SQL query but I always have this error "ORA-01830"
I try to run this SQL Query using python, cx_oracle, but I recieve a ORA-01830 ERRORsplited_date = (fecha.year, fecha.month, fecha.day)print("flag {}{:02d}{:02d}".format(*splited_date))while flag == 1:...
View ArticleHow to return null values from quarkus native built application?
I have a PostgreSQL database with columns that can contain null values. If I use quarkus dev mode or jvm, the query returns (correctly) null values. However, if I build with the native profile using...
View ArticleIs there any way that this chat-application can work?
I am pretty new to Angular and was trying to build a simple chat application, without a backend or anything just trying to learn the framework and build a simple template. But after several hours, I am...
View Articleevaluate response value against table of intial, updated, and expected value
We are looking to create a single table for reference, that we can use to validate a result (opStatus after update applied), based on the initial value (currentStatus pulled from previous request) the...
View ArticleHuffman code segfaults on random input but not on text input
(I asked multiple questions to the implementation of the huffman code here, if I ask too many questions please tell me and I'll stop. Any tips on how to learn to find those mistakes myself are...
View ArticleValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2) using CV library [closed]
I'm doing some quick exercises using CV library, trying to analyze some colored images.This is my code:import cv2 as cvimg01=cv.imread('PATH')from matplotlib import pyplot as...
View ArticleUsing a variable between two files
I have been trying multiple ways to try and get a variable from file#1 to file#2 but every time I import file#1 to file#2 it seems like file#2 fails to work. I think this is due to file#2 being run in...
View ArticleIn tailwindCss config file, I have to add my own class names which will be...
To use flex, I have to write flex justify-between items-center in all element classNames, but I have to make a general class let us say "flexBetween" which will have all these flex justify-between...
View ArticleUsing std::this_thread::sleep_for on Raspberry Pi Pico
when I add this line of code to my projectstd::this_thread::sleep_for(10ms);I get this linker...
View ArticleCreate a new dataset which displays the 'mean' for each column
I have a dataframe that looks like this:NPlaceNumberCHEGD1Angus2533452360432Argyl4323125619453Ayrsh144627921412and i want to create a function which iterates through 'C', 'H', 'E', 'G', 'D', and...
View ArticleReact Native Project The "Run fastlane" step failed with an unknown error
Facing Issues with Packages, app.json, Bundle Identifier, and EAS Login CredentialsI'm encountering several issues with my project setup and deployment process. Here are the details:1.Checking...
View ArticleUsing "deblack" to clean messy videos with black flickering, getting...
I'm using the repository found here https://github.com/FarisHijazi/deblack/tree/master, which should fix my problem, I have installed ffmpeg, deblack itself and python is correctly installed, however,...
View ArticleCreating A Number Class that ELIMINATES rounding errors and is __repr__...
I guess I will sheepishly admit I'm a python noob.I am trying to produce float numbers that are correctly rounded to the EIGTH decimal place for distances,and the TWENTY-SIXTH Decimal place for degree...
View ArticleTypescript tsconfig is broken right off the bat
I followed the instructions to setup a typescript project in vscode and right off the bat I'm getting errors from typescript after creating the tsconfig it created.When I run my web page in a browser I...
View ArticleChoosing Between WPF and VCL Delphi for Windows Desktop App in 2024
I'm seeking advice on the best technology for developing a desktop app for Windows, utilizing PostgreSQL as the RDBMS. With two years of experience in both WPF and VCL Delphi, I'm torn between the...
View ArticleIs there any way I can automate localization of strings to multiple languages?
Just today I had to create a whole bunch of strings for 10 different languages for my application. It is very exhaustive process to find translations for every string for each language, I had to use...
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