VS Code always gives includePath errors for custom headers. How do I fix it?
In my attempt to make the program, I always run into includePath errors in my VS Code. I can only import standard libraries like stdio.h, stdlib.h and such header files only. In case I try to import a...
View ArticleEven though I provide login credentials for the Play Console tester, I still...
Even though I provide login credentials for the Play Console tester, I still get rejected.I tried it in Firebase TestLab and it was successful there. In my application, I have login with Email &...
View ArticleScript Domo ETLs - Export Domo ETLs to extract their logic
I am looking for a programmatic way to convert Domo ETLs to SQL/ JSON/... to use them and migrate from Domo to another ETL tool. Does this tool exist? Do you know how to do it?
View ArticleConvert base64string to url encoded string in Swift
My requirement:I need to convert my base64 string to a base64 URL encoded string,same like the conversion on this website: https://www.urlencoder.org/.My code:extension UIImage { func...
View ArticleHow to create oracle connection in Rust using oracle wallet
how to connect to oracle using oracle wallet.currently we are connecting oracle using wallet as belowsqlplus /@tnsentrywithout password , it will connect to connection string in tnsnames.ora and...
View ArticleWhy is my Symfony session data not persisting across requests?
I'm trying to store some data in the session in my Symfony application, but it seems like the session data is not persisting across requests. Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?this is...
View ArticleHow can i implement Show more show less functionality using html widget in...
I have used flutter_quill package for getting the description, now I want to show the description with read more read less functionality and looking for any html parser which can do this.thanksAlthough...
View ArticleSemaphores does not wake up process
from what I have heard in the following sourcecode sem_wait should block if it is 0 until sem_post is called the next time but the below program instead just stops executing the child process...
View ArticleExpo create new project error when type npx create-expo-app
I try to create a new project for React Native using Expo but get an error, I write the following comands:npx create-expo-app ✔ What is your app named? … Test ✖ Something went wrong in downloading and...
View ArticleForeign Key naming scheme
I'm just getting started working with foreign keys for the first time and I'm wondering if there's a standard naming scheme to use for them?Given these tables:task (id, userid, title)note (id, taskid,...
View ArticleNaming of ID columns in database tables
I was wondering peoples opinions on the naming of ID columns in database tables.If I have a table called Invoices with a primary key of an identity column I would call that column InvoiceID so that I...
View ArticleASP.NET Identity - protecting a directory from unauthenticated users
I am using ASP.NET 4.5 OWIN Identity and attempting to block access to a directory for all but authenticated users. The directory contains raw files, so it isnt possible to wrap them in the ASP...
View ArticleSpring Boot Application deployed on Elastic Beanstalk Java environment...
I'm trying to deploy a very simple Spring Boot application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using AWS's Java configuration (not their Tomcat configuration), but I keep getting a 502 error with the following...
View ArticleCreate new untitled file and open language mode quick pick
I have this macro"macros": {"newScratchFile": ["workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile","workbench.action.editor.changeLanguageMode" ]},Which used to work great with this extension but it appears...
View ArticlePowershell to Update Google Sheets
I have imported a module UMN-Google from https://github.com/umn-microsoft-automation/UMN-Google in PowerShell which is used to create, update Google Sheets.I create a Project in...
View Articlehow to enlarge a plot within a display window
I'm trying to make a 3Dplot fill a display window since matplotlib leaves a lot of blank space within the window by default and I need the plot to be big since it has a lot of small details. I've tried...
View ArticleVBA Selenium - Get Element by "placeholder"/ "formcontrolname"?
Why is this working with Chrome driver, but not with JPhantom driver?Sub TestPhantom()Dim obj As New PhantomJSDriver 'PHANTOMdriverobj.Start "PhantomJS", ""With obj .Get...
View ArticleAdd blur transition as skybox Entity is removed or added for Vision Pro
I'm trying to build a small Vision app similar to Zillow's immersive home tour. I'm using an UnlitMaterial and adding a static image texture as the material color. If a user changes the room I remove...
View ArticleGet Uploading Status of any file in One Drive using GRAPH API
I am uploading one large file(approx 1GB+) from one drive site and in the backend i have one application which constantly fetches files from the one drive.Now even though the upload is not completed...
View Articleclass diagram historical archive of players
I would like to create a historical archive of the players. I would like to represent for every player with these attributes = first name, last name, date of birth, one or more roles [gk, dc, ts, att...
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