I was working on a kill-logs script that would when a person dies send data over a webhook ( plr.username has died!) But, I got stuck on an error that I can't really seem to fix '' CharacterAdded is not a valid member of Players '' on the first line of the code.
What I have tried: Checking spelling to make sure nothing is miss spelled, googling/digging around dev forums.
UPDATE: Started poking around the code a bit and got a new error, still can't fix it. I would need some help pretty please.
--start local Players = game:GetService("Players")local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")local webhook = "removed the webhook link" -- webhook heregame.Players.PlayerAdded. plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character,plr) character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function(msg) local data = { --contet of data content = msg; username = plr.Name; avatar_url = "http://www.roblox.com/Thumbs/Avatar.ashx?x=100&y=100&Format=Png&userId="..plr.UserId } HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(data)) end)end)print('nadam se da radi')-- end
I can't find out how to fix this, if anybody can help me out fast I would appreciate it!