Pytesseract sees random chars
I use '--psm 6' as config. And i have pytesseract 4.1.1. Language: 'deu' which is GermanIn various documents pytesseract recognizes chars which are not there.For example I have this image. We can see...
View ArticleConvert a List to a CSV String with Headers
I hope someone can help with the following: I have an Arraylist ofList<Transaction> transactions; with fields:private String firmId; private String accountId; private String symbol; private long...
View ArticleEvaluating a pretrained model in pytorch
I’m trying to evaluate a pretrained model that i trained with the PPO example from the pytorch tutorials website but i’m failing to obtain the same results as during training.I’ve saved the model (in...
View ArticleHow to use AWS secret manager on Serverless and Nestjs
I have a NestJS API and i deploy it on AWS with Serverless.I would like to use AWS Secret Manager to store sensitive data like api_key then use it in my code as env variable.I tried this on my...
View ArticleUbuntu DNS resolve broken for some sites
Hi I've got a weird problem here;I've got a machine running Ubuntu 23.10. This is connected to the Internet via some Docsys modem using TV cable. The modem doesn't allow setting DNS-Servers so I'm...
View Articleget 'int' data when I load .npy using numpy or pickle
I got an .npy file, but it doesn't have an extension. When I use np.load, I get an int. How do I open it?I tried to change numpy version, but it doesn't help.>>> import numpy as np>>>...
View Articlehow to use persistent volume in multiple nodes cluster to avoid failure
I'm creating a 3 nodes cluster with microk8s where all the nodes are master and worker.Since im migrating from swarn i need to mount host paths through shared pv.The question i have is how pv act and...
View ArticleUnable to connect to RabbitMQ bus after upgrading EasyNetQ to version 6.0.1...
I am having issues connecting to Rabbit after upgrading EasyNetQ to version 6.0.1 or later.To ensure that there wasn't any other parts of the application creating these issues, I made a minimal project...
View ArticleDifferent Server Environments Different Results With...
I am using php-qrcode-detector-decoder for reading QR codes in photos. It works on most servers, PHP 7.3 - 8.3.But on some other servers I get errors and I can not figure out why. Even with the same...
View ArticleGet Pull requests in bitbucket REST-API assigned to my user
I am using the below REST-API to get the latest pull request from bitbucket{link}/rest/api/1.0/projects/{my project}/repos/{my repo}/pull-requests?state=all&limit=1&size=1It is working...
View ArticleHow to Create a configuration File For MongoDB
I have installed mongodb for mac os through 10gen and I have gone through the documentation to do so. Everything seems fine apart from the configuration file. I can not see it in /etc/mongod.config. Do...
View Articlehow to run python files on my red hat server? [duplicate]
I tried to use sh but i always get command not found in line x errors. I am using Red Hat Enterprise Linux and i am opening a plugin for Nagios programmed in python.Error: line 3:...
View ArticleWhat means "xs @ _*" in PathList of SBT assembly-plugin?
What these phrases mean:xs @ _*ps @ _*Copied from documentation:assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := { case PathList("javax", "servlet", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.first case PathList(ps @ _*) if...
View ArticleAlternative for __dirname in Node.js when using ES6 modules
I use the flag --experimental-modules when running my Node application in order to use ES6 modules.However when I use this flag the metavariable __dirname is not available. Is there an alternative way...
View ArticleDeclare val without initialization in function
class Solution { val message: String //error : val must be initialized or abstract message = "love" //error : val cannot be reassigned}I understand what's happening in here - val cannot be...
View ArticleFlutter AlertDialog with Strange Scrolling Behavior
I'm encountering a strange issue with AlertDialog in Flutter, specifically with its scrolling behavior. The AlertDialog displays as intended and its basic functionalities work properly. However, when...
View ArticleGetting 'object doesn't support property or method "evaluate"' in selenium | IE
I am automating a web app on IE(Internet Explorer) browser.I am getting the below error when I am trying to find any element on the page after the page is...
View ArticleNextjs 3rd party redirect handle
Is that possible to handle POST incoming request in Nextjs application?I have some form what send data to 3rd party service, this service check data and if everything ok redirect user to some page on...
View ArticleProblem with install psutil on python 3.11 [closed]
the message ModuleNotFoundError no module named "psutil" is displayed in the terminal[First image][1][Second image][2]i tried to reinstall and update pip but it doesnt helpI recently installed MinGW on...
View ArticleFastest root-finding algorithm for specific sine function
I'm trying to find an algorithm which will tell me any root of the function sin(πx)²+ sin(π(323/x))². With this function I can very confidently isolate an interval in which one of these roots would...
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