I am having issues connecting to Rabbit after upgrading EasyNetQ to version 6.0.1 or later.
To ensure that there wasn't any other parts of the application creating these issues, I made a minimal project to test this, and I had the same issues there.
This is the entirety of my program:
using EasyNetQ;using RabbitMQ.Client;using System;namespace MinimalRabbitProject{ internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var connectionString = "host=localhost;username=test;password=test"; using (var bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(connectionString)) { Console.WriteLine("Connected to RabbitMQ"); } } }}
This just seems to "fail silently". I get no errors/exceptions. However bus.Advanced.IsConnected is false, and I see no connection in RabbitMQ Management.
If I downgrade EasyNetQ to the previous version (5.6.0), this works fine, and I can see the connection in RabbitMQ Management.
I have tried upgrading to the latest version (7.8.0), but that doesn't work either. 5.6.0 is the last version that works.
From the release notes for version 6, I couldn't see anything that should affect creating a connection. My code is also the same as their sample code.
Using the RabbitMQ.Client library directly also works:
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(){ UserName = "test", Password = "test", VirtualHost = "/", HostName = "localhost", Port = 5672};var connection = factory.CreateConnection();
Anybody got any tips about how I can get this working? If it matters, I am using RabbitMQ 3.12.12 and Erlang locally. I have tried against a different server also, with same results (unsure about versions, but different than mine)