How to change rootViewController from UIInputWindowController to...
thereThe CardinalMobile SDK presents the OTP screen, after the OTP screen is dismissed I cannot show loading from SVProgressHUD.I have checked rootViewController, it's changed from...
View ArticleUpdate Azure Machine Learning Compute Instances with Python SDKv2
At first, I have some terraform code that will deploy compute instances for AML. But there's a lack of update of the terraform code so we can not add the option of schedules and auto shutdown....
View ArticleWhy does Java need to provide the nullInputStream method in InputStream?...
I was reading the Java 21 source code, but I found nullInputStream, which was added since Java 11. Why not use null instead of nullInputStream?I was reading the source code regarding the...
View ArticleHow to add generics for each attributy when calling factory function?
I have a function defineRequestAxiosFactory looks like:type DefineRequestReturns<Options = any> = { [K in keyof Options]: Options[K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? Options[K] : <Req =...
View ArticleDate_diff or datediff in SQL Amazon Redshift calculates wrong result
I have a problem with date_diff or datediff in sql amazon redshift. It calculates wrong result. I useddate_diff('day', next_date::date, current_date::date) as diff_1;date_diff('day', next_date,...
View ArticleCounting of white granules by their diameter
I'm trying to calculate number of white granules and their diameters in a given image (e.g. below).import cv2import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimage =...
View ArticleHow to Remove foreign key from a table in big query
How to remove foreign key from a table as table id column contain both primary key and foreign key but i need to remove foregn key in big query.I using following code but its not working.ALTER TABLE...
View ArticleHow to change what RenderTarget2D display in Monogame?
I am developing a Monogame project where I have a map class like this:public class Map{ private RenderTarget2D _target; public const int TILE_SIZE = 128; public static readonly int[,] tiles = { {1, 1,...
View ArticlePandas - Compare two rows of a dataframe across specific columns and keep one...
I have a pandas dataframe which looks like below (rows are always unique)Start End Status AB DD T_DOWN TR WE T_UP DD RE P_DOWN TR WE R_WAITYT GG R_WAIT GG LO P_DOWN What I want to do is to find out...
View ArticleOutput correct, answer wrong in Leetcode
Was attempting a Leetcode problem where you have to return the indices of two numbers in nums such that they add up to target. Stdout when I printed the return value appeared to be correct, yet the...
View ArticleHow to properly setup PyLint to check pyspark code
I am currently setting up PyLint to check control my code base.The idea is to install PyLint and run it while PySpark is disabled.Then I will develop or use some open source librairies to run "PySpark...
View ArticleColab Pro does not take effect
I purchased Colab Pro (pay as you go) for 100 computing units yesterday. I have now, at least, two new options to choose from (A100 and V100), but neither has any effect on the RAM and disk space (see...
View ArticlePastel Partner SDK ImportDocument() Issue
I have a winforms application that integrates with Pastel Partner using the Pastel Partner SDK (PasSDK.dll).When I try to import an invoice document (using SDK.ImportDocument(103, 1)), while Pastel...
View ArticleRust: ccould not extract weather information after I dockerize the code
Just a follow up to the questionThe code in question beinguse actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, HttpResponse};use reqwest::Client;use serde::Deserialize;use std::env;use chrono::{DateTime, Utc,...
View ArticleHow to delete git repository of one specific solution in VS2022?
I have serveral soluliotns in VS2022 and each has a long git commit histories. Now I want to delete the git reporsitory of one my solution(for example solution A, but keep current latest source code)...
View ArticleSave uploaded img on refresh page
I need to save the images in local storage and when the page refreshes they do not disappear but remain in my card.UploadContent component:`import React, { useState } from 'react';import { PlusOutlined...
View ArticleHow to interpret the property define in function in javascript?
In javascript, you can define a bunch of variable in a function,1, How to check if there is a specific property in function in JavaScript?2, What is the different between property define in a function...
View ArticleTo remove intermedite Page like signup page when login with linkedin using...
In file'allauth.socialaccount.providers.openid_connect',SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS = {"google":{"SCOPE":["profile","email" ],"AUTH_PARAMS": {"access_type": "online"},"EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION":...
View ArticleUnable to serialize kotlin data class with retrofit
I'm learning kotlin and have been trying to get some data from the internet, but I keep running into the same error. For this example I tried to generate an image with the OpenAI API.Here's my retrofit...
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