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Save uploaded img on refresh page


I need to save the images in local storage and when the page refreshes they do not disappear but remain in my card.

UploadContent component:

`import React, { useState } from 'react';import { PlusOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';import { Image, Upload } from 'antd';import type { GetProp, UploadFile, UploadProps } from 'antd';type FileType = Parameters<GetProp<UploadProps, 'beforeUpload'>>[0];interface UploadContentProps {    imageUrl: string; // Define the props that UploadContent component needs}const getBase64 = (file: FileType): Promise<string> =>    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {        const reader = new FileReader();        reader.readAsDataURL(file);        reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result as string);        reader.onerror = (error) => reject(error);    });const UploadContent: React.FC<UploadContentProps> = ({ imageUrl }) => {    const [previewOpen, setPreviewOpen] = useState(false);    const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState('');    const [fileList, setFileList] = useState<UploadFile[]>([    ]);    const handlePreview = async (file: UploadFile) => {        if (!file.url && !file.preview) {            file.preview = await getBase64(file.originFileObj as FileType);        }        setPreviewImage(file.url || (file.preview as string));        setPreviewOpen(true);    };    const handleChange: UploadProps['onChange'] = ({ fileList: newFileList }) =>        setFileList(newFileList);    const uploadButton = (<button style={{ border: 0, background: 'none' }} type="button"><PlusOutlined /><div style={{ marginTop: 8 }}>Upload</div></button>    );    return (<><img src={imageUrl} alt="Uploaded" style={{maxWidth: '100%'}}/><Upload                action="https://660d2bd96ddfa2943b33731c.mockapi.io/api/upload"                listType="picture-circle"                fileList={fileList}                onPreview={handlePreview}                onChange={handleChange}>                {fileList.length >= 1 ? null : uploadButton}</Upload>            {previewImage && (<Image                    wrapperStyle={{display: 'none'}}                    preview={{                        visible: previewOpen,                        onVisibleChange: (visible) => setPreviewOpen(visible),                        afterOpenChange: (visible) => !visible && setPreviewImage(''),                    }}                    src={previewImage}                />            )}</>    );};export default UploadContent;ContentCustom Component:import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";import { Layout, Card, Input, Button, DatePicker, Row, Col } from "antd";const { Content } = Layout;import ProfileContent from "../../ProfileContent.tsx";import UploadContent from "../../UploadContent.tsx";import moment from "moment";import { DeleteOutlined  } from "@ant-design/icons";interface ContentCustomProps {    selectedMenuKey: string;}interface CardData {    id: number;    input1: string;    input2: string;    input3: string;}const ContentCustom: React.FC<ContentCustomProps> = ({ selectedMenuKey }) => {    const [input1, setInput1] = useState<string>("");    const [input2, setInput2] = useState<string>("");    const [input3, setInput3] = useState<string>("");    const [cards, setCards] = useState<CardData[]>([]);    // La încărcarea componentei, încarcă cardurile salvate din localStorage    useEffect(() => {        const savedCards = localStorage.getItem("cards");        if (savedCards) {            setCards(JSON.parse(savedCards));        }    }, []);    const handleInputChange = (_name: string, value: string) => {        if (_name === "input1") {            // Allow only alphabetic characters for "Name"            setInput1(value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/g, ""));        } else if (_name === "input2") {            // Allow only numeric characters for "Tel.nr"            setInput2(value.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));        } else if (_name === "input3") {            setInput3(value);        }    };    const handleAddCard = () => {        const newCard: CardData = {            id: Date.now(),            input1,            input2,            input3,        };        const newCards = [...cards, newCard];        setCards(newCards);        // Salvare carduri în localStorage        localStorage.setItem("cards", JSON.stringify(newCards));        // Reset input values after adding the card        setInput1("");        setInput2("");        setInput3("");    };    const handleDeleteCard = (id: number) => {        const updatedCards = cards.filter(card => card.id !== id);        setCards(updatedCards);        localStorage.setItem("cards", JSON.stringify(updatedCards));    };    return (<Content className={'Content'}  style={{height:559,maxHeight:1500}} >            {selectedMenuKey === "1" && (                // Content for "Profile"<div><ProfileContent data={{                        field1: "Andriuta Dragos",                        field2: 20,                        field3: true,                        field4: ["CR-221"],                        field5: 10000,                        field6: new Date(),                        field7: "Excalibur"                    }} /></div>            )}            {selectedMenuKey === "2" && (<div><h2>Cards details</h2><Row gutter={[40, 40]}>                        {cards.map(card => (<Col key={card.id} xs={24} sm={12} md={12} lg={12} xl={12}><Card className={'CardContent'} title="Info about my friend"><Row align="middle"><Col xs={16} sm={18} md={18} lg={18} xl={13}><p>{`Name: ${card.input1}`}</p><p>{`Tel.nr: ${card.input2}`}</p><p>{`Date of birth: ${card.input3}`}</p></Col><Col xs={8} sm={6} md={6} lg={6} xl={6} className={'CardImage'}>                                            // Here I use Component for Upload img.<UploadContent onImageUploaded={handleAddCard} /></Col></Row><div style={{textAlign: "right"}}><DeleteOutlined onClick={() => handleDeleteCard(card.id)}                                                        style={{color: "darkgray", cursor: "pointer"}}/></div></Card></Col>                        ))}</Row></div>            )}            {selectedMenuKey === "3" && (                // Content for "Data"<div><Row><Col style={{paddingRight:150}} span={12}><h2>New Card</h2><Input                                className="custom-input"                                name="input1"                                value={input1}                                onChange={(e) => handleInputChange("input1", e.target.value)}                                placeholder="Name"                            /><Input                                className="custom-input"                                name="input2"                                value={input2}                                onChange={(e) => handleInputChange("input2", e.target.value)}                                placeholder="Telefon number"                            /><DatePicker                                className="custom-input"                                name="input3"                                value={input3 ? moment(input3) : null}                                onChange={(_date: moment.Moment | null, dateString: string | string[]) => {                                    if (typeof dateString === "string") {                                        setInput3(dateString);                                    }                                }}                                placeholder="Date of brith"                            /><Button type="primary" onClick={handleAddCard}>                                Add Card</Button></Col></Row></div>            )}</Content>    );};export default ContentCustom;`

I try did that but I just put it in localstorage but it don't work to obtain it back on refresh page so i reset project on the moment when I don't use localstorage.

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