How can I get a resize signal from a window whose contents are fixed size...
thanks in advance for the help!So here's the situation:My app builds a layout of widgets that are fixed size (containing text, with the size of the widget determined by the length of the text inside)....
View ArticleGetting React native build error: Attempt to invoke virtual method'boolean...
this is app/build.gradlew codeTried updating react-native and react-dom versions.updated gradle,kotlin versionsfollowing image is my build.gradleApp installing successfully but on navigating to other...
View ArticleWhy .NET crashes on wrong nuget version
My setup is the followingProject Database<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore" Version="8.0.5" /><PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design"...
View ArticleGetting cost value mismatch while using UNNEST in BigQuery
I am using BigQuery to get GCP usage data using queries. I have a single query to get all details from GCP exported Bill data to sum(cost) as cost, sum(credits.amount) as credit FROM...
View ArticleProject tab does not show all the files/folders in Unity Editor after build...
I'm learning Unity Editor. After I had build my application to test on android device. Most of my folders and files in Assets were lost in Project tab. I can still see it in Explorer but Unity Editor...
View Articlehow do i keep all my class elements within the panel container
im trying to my a flyer with a pricing tier of what you get for each tier with a corresponding image to go with it. but if you look at the code the image and elements go beyond the white panelcontainer...
View ArticlePicking just a single value from Map of Arrays in SQL
This is SQL query.Let's assume that you have column having the data type map of arrays profiles map(int, array(int))so in the table, you see profiles {1: [1, 2]} {2: [3, 4]} {3: [10]} {4: []}Let's...
View ArticleRTK Cors issue - http://localhost:3001' has been blocked by CORS policy:...
I am building a Next.js 14 app and I got this error with RTK Queries:login:1 Access to fetch at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3001' has been...
View ArticleiOS How to make custom height sheets
I want to make custom with height of 200px in OBJC, In swift we can do that by setting the detents = [.height(200)], but how do we achieve this in OBJCCode UIViewController *io = [[SheetViewController...
View ArticleHow to Create a SQL VIEW to Indicate User's Favorite Recipes in a Result Set?
I need help writing a SQL VIEW query for the following scenario:Here is the query which I have tried but it only return the matched data, because any someone user_id is matched to any of the...
View ArticleOracle 19c Error while installing on Oracle Linux Server 9.4
Encountering this error while installing Oracle 19cError in invoking target 'links proc gen_pcscfg procob' of makefile '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/precomp/lib/'. See...
View ArticleDebugging error with React Native Tools VSCode
I'm experiencing an error while using the React Native Tools extension in Visual Studio Code. Here are the details:Environment:Operating System: macOS Monterey M1 ProReact Native Version: 0.74Node.js...
View ArticleERROR : spark-shell \Spark\bin\..' was unexpected at this time
I`m working on Windows 10.Wanted to install Apache Spark in my machine.Official download page here. Article I followed to complete the Apache Spark installtion here .What I did :Installed/added java,...
View Articlegetting error : Failed to execute goal...
View ArticleHow to uninstall Virtual box completely
I used Virtual Box, then decided to delete it. I put it in the bin, but then i decided i might need it later, so i pulled the application out and put it on my desktop. Since then I can't remove the...
View ArticleHow to select data in xarray Dataset with multiple slices once?
I have a xarray dataset which looks like this:Dimensions: (time: 24, longitude: 701, latitude: 701)Coordinates: * time (time) datetime64[ns] 192B 2023-06-01 ... 2023-06-01T23:00:00 * longitude...
View ArticleAccess website hosted by PC within Android hotspot from web browser in the...
I have a PC with hostname myhostpc that is hosting a website in port 8000. This PC is connected to the Wi-Fi hotspot of an Android phone, as well as another PC. From the other PC I can open that...
View ArticleHow timeline path design can be implemented on nextjs website
I need to implement this on timeline my nextjs, react-bootstrap website and wanted an understanding on how that can be implemented.
View ArticleSQRT-optimization in graph task
I have a task:Given a tree with n vertices. From the start all the vertices are not painted. For O((n+q)*sqrt(n+q)) need to answer to q requests:1) paint vertice V;2) find the closest to the V painted...
View ArticleChange colors of line chart Apache POI
I've generated a line chart using Apache POI. I need to change the default colors I got in the chart. Can I use RGB codes to define specific colors to each line? My code is as follows.Drawing drawing =...
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