I am using BigQuery to get GCP usage data using queries. I have a single query to get all details from GCP exported Bill data to BigQuery.
select sum(cost) as cost, sum(credits.amount) as credit FROM `TABLENAME` LEFT JOIN UNNEST(credits) AS credits WHERE invoice.month="202404"
select sum(cost) as cost FROM `TABLENAME` WHERE invoice.month="202404"
in both queries, I am getting different cost values. Why I am getting like this?
Above is a sample query.
Below one is my actual query. Here I am aggregating hourly data as daily data by filtering zero cost and credit amounts.in this scenario, I am getting multiple duplicate rows in result.It's Bigquery cost export data.
SELECT billing_account_id, service.id AS service_id, service.description AS service_des, sku.id AS sku_id, sku.description AS sku_des, FORMAT_DATETIME('%Y-%m-%d', usage_start_time) AS usage_date, location.location AS location, location.region AS region, location.country AS country, location.zone AS zone, invoice.month AS invoice_mon, currency, AVG(currency_conversion_rate) as currency_conversion_rate, cost_type, resource.name AS resource_name, resource.global_name AS res_global_name, SUM(usage.amount_in_pricing_units) AS usage_amount_pricing_units, usage.pricing_unit AS pricing_unit, SUM(cost) AS cost, SUM(cost_at_list) AS cost_at_list, transaction_type, seller_name, adjustment_info.id AS adjustment_info_id, adjustment_info.description AS adjustment_des, adjustment_info.type AS adjustment_type, adjustment_info.mode AS adjustment_mode, SUM(price.effective_price) AS effective_price, SUM(price.pricing_unit_quantity) AS pricing_unit_quantity, project.id AS project_id, project.number AS project_number, project.name AS project_name, SUM(IFNULL(credits.amount, 0)) AS credit_amount, credits.type AS credit_type, credits.id AS credit_id, credits.name as credit_name, credits.full_name AS credit_full_name, TO_JSON_STRING(labels) AS labels, TO_JSON_STRING(system_labels) AS system_labels FROM `TABLENAME` LEFT JOIN UNNEST(credits) AS credits WHERE (cost!=0 OR credits.amount!=0) and invoice.month="202404" GROUP BY billing_account_id, service_id, service_des, sku_id, sku_des, usage_date, location, region, country, zone, invoice_mon, currency, cost_type, resource_name, res_global_name, usage.pricing_unit, transaction_type, seller_name, adjustment_info_id, adjustment_des, adjustment_type, adjustment_mode, project_id, project_number, project_name, credit_type, credit_full_name, credit_id, credit_name, labels, system_labels HAVING (cost!=0 OR credit_amount!=0) ORDER BY usage_date