React-router link does not work when refreshing or typing manually
I'm using React-router and it works fine while I'm clicking on link buttons, but when I refresh my webpage it shows an empty white screen. And also there are no console warnings, and return 200 for all...
View ArticleCOBOL file creation of DAT file is not successful
I am getting this error below when the COBOL code is run.'EmployeeFile' is not defined'EmployeeFile' is not a file nameHere is the COBOL code.IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID. CreateEmployeeFile.DATA...
View ArticleUsing pandas features to perform checks on longitudinal data where an...
I have a data set that has 0-1000ish patients each with a unique identifier and each have a bunch of different entries. I am very new to pandas, and python for that matter, I an wondering how could you...
View ArticleGithub actions deploy zip to app service but wwwroot is empty
I've got a nest.js api that I'm trying to deploy via github actions to my Azure web service. Which I've previously had working. But now it's not deployingMy action file looks like thisname: Build and...
View ArticleHow to use solidity events in react useEffect?
I want to subscribe to a solidity event listener, but in useEffect called two times during render. How to unsubscribe from events or how to handle it?useEffect(() => { console.log('ADD');...
View ArticleLinked List with two arrays
i have a problem with a project regarding time complexity and a linked list with two arrays, i have and array with Elements[] and int[], the array of ints points to the index of the larger element....
View ArticleHow to detect drag & drop correct position Jigsaw Game
I making a game jigsaw. How to determine the correct position to drag and drop a jigsaw piece? I make game by Phaser | Html5 & Js.I expecting how to make game Jigsaw & how to detect correct...
View ArticleWhere can I find aratars in your own image
I would like to find a fully automated avatar that is able to be exported into a game setting like unity. The avatar should be fully automatic can walk and change garments and interactive with a...
View ArticleWhen I want to use (when keyword) with switch and case it gives me a lot of...
I have a homework assignment that requires me to use switch and case statements. For each case, if necessary, I should use 'when'. When I write all the code, it gives me a lot of errors. Here's a...
View ArticleMaking a property deserialize but not serialize with
We have some configuration files which were generated by serializing C# objects with'd like to migrate one property of the serialised class away from being a simple enum property into a...
View ArticleLoop through all CSV files in a folder
I'm trying to loop through only the csv files in a folder that contains many kinds of files and many folders, I just want it to list all of the .csv files in this folder.Here's what I mean:import os,...
View ArticleIs python's "in" language construct thread-safe for lists?
Is obj in a_list thread-safe while a_list might be modified in a different thread?Here's a comprehensive yet non-exhaustive list of examples of list operations and whether or not they are thread safe,...
View ArticleReferencing the output of Parent stack in nested stack - Cloudformation
I am trying to create the nested stack but having trouble as I am new to this and still in learning process. I have created the vpc with 2 private and 2 public subnets. Then attached the...
View ArticleCocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FBSDKCoreKit"
I am having trouble using this library, I followed the instructions with the facebook guide that appears on the readMe and did all the steps.Before this, I used the react-native-fbsdk library which is...
View ArticleRestarting a PowerShell script after the last process is closed
I wrote a script, which opens 7 programs approximately 10 times (yes its a prankscript).My question is, is there a way to observe, if the last process is closed and if so, restarting the whole script...
View ArticleFancy moving-nodes network visualization with Python
I have a network that undergoes a loop, and for each iteration its edges update their weight. Some of them increase their weight, strengthening the link between the two nodes, and some of them decrease...
View ArticleIs it possible to extract a jar from a Native Image built with GraalVM?
I've built a Native Image from a Java project that includes a licensed library (jar), as a Maven dependency. That library must not be made available to anyone. Once built into the NI, is it safe ? Or...
View ArticleWhy generics are not working in this case?
I am kinda a newbie with TypeScript, and I am using it on a real project along with React.I saw a post where the writter indicates two ways of declare conditional props in React using Typescript.The...
View Articlealternative solution to dbt_utils.get_column_values() for a dbt model
I was trying to ser a variable in a dbt model.However I am struggling to overcome a issue that I encounter. From my understanding dbt_utils.get_column_values() doesn't work with CTE, however for...
View ArticleUIbutton not responding consistently to touch event
I placed my UI button inside stack view of storyboard in UIKit App. and I enabled user interaction to both stack view and button. My button width and height are 20,20. I am using this UIbutton for...
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