How to create a recurring event that cancels a block and allows the agent to...
In my pedestrian model, I have a pedGoTo block called goToNearestExit. The targetLine of this block is determined through a function I have created called getNearestExit() which finds the closest...
View ArticleIn a constructor i am trying to give default values. Getting an error: The...
const GradientContainer.purple( {super.key, this.colorsList = ***[ const Color.fromARGB(123, 69, 2, 74), const Color.fromARGB(123, 233, 177, 237) ]***, this.textToBePlaced = 'New Constructor'});Error...
View Articleswift_isUniquelyReferenced_nonNull_native causes random and systematic crash...
In my app, a crash occurs only on iOS 17.xx versions when I establish a BLE connection to a peripheral, scan wifi networks and connect to one of them via BLE.private func writeData(writingMode: String)...
View ArticleHow to increase size of matplotlib sector plot [duplicate]
i have a polar plot with a very tiny angle. But image has size like it is full angle from 0-pi. When i try to decrease fig height, image width also decreases. So how to increase size of this image and...
View ArticleSeparate a column in different columns depending on a label
I have a dataset in which one of the columns have a string as value.The string has this kind of aspect:F: whatever; F: whatever; P: whatever; P: whatever; C:whatever; C: whatever;I want to separate...
View ArticleUpdating a Column dynamically generated in flutter
When I try to update the elements in this column (It's a custom column written so as not to have conflicts with Getx) by removing one from the list from which the Widget is generated, it updates the...
View Article502 when using websockets
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";import "../App.css";import Maps from "./Maps";import SideNavigation from "../Sidebar/Navigation";import axios from "axios";import io from...
View ArticleDynamic Geometry (Mesh) Changes post-plant finalize
This is a follow-up after reading this:Adding New Geometries Post-FinalizeI was wondering about the way to change the geometry of meshes, for perception and illustration roles. It was mentioned that it...
View ArticlegRPC client request streaming: - "The client reset the request stream."
I am trying to implement request streaming from my python client to my C# server using gRPC.This is my protofile: syntax = "proto3"; service PerceiveAPIDataService { rpc UploadResource (stream...
View ArticlePlotting a vertical line in ggplot2 when the x variable is Date format
My x variable is format Date, and I would like to plot a vertical line to separate two areas of the graph. Unsurprisingly, throwing geom_vline(xintercept = "2023-12-03") does not work, but it seems...
View ArticleKotlin access outer class from inner class's constructor throw NPE, why?
Kotlin access outer class from inner class's constructor throw NPEthis piece of code works as expected: M { fun hello()}abstract class Parent : M { init {...
View ArticleDoes the getResourceAsStream method of the Class class in Java read the file...
I am developing a Java project which contains a properties file from which properties need to be extracted frequently. I have a function: @Override public String getPropetyValue(String property) {...
View ArticleWhat are the key strategies for effective API automation testing, and how do...
API automation testing is crucial for ensuring the reliability and functionality of software applications. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, where APIs play a vital role in...
View Articlehow to make custom loading animation with flutter by using video
login pageWhen I tap login button ,I want to replace that button with a same size loading animation.Here, I want to make loading with a running ninja from left to right.I think I should use a video but...
View ArticleCalculate rotation between 2 points in openlayers using javascript
I'm using OpenLayers with JavaScript, and I'm calculating the rotation between two points (they represent arrows indicating the path taken by a vehicle). I have the following function:function...
View ArticleHow to find which code directly access saved tensors after they have already...
I'm training a three-layer model, and I get an error when using loss.backward() to calculate the gradient during the training process.**RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time...
View ArticleImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or...
I have been experiencing the above error when I'm trying to run a python file in Azure Compute Instance.Version of Ubuntu is 20.04 and following libffi versions were present already -,...
View ArticlePDF shrinking when page height increases than A4 in java
I'm using java to print a pdf containing a single page receipt the height of which can vary depending on the number of items, now when this PDF becomes too long, the print shrinks to fit into the size...
View ArticlePuppeteer ignoring background-color property in generated PDF
I'm using Puppeteer to generate PDF reports from HTML content, and I'm encountering an issue where the background-color property defined in the HTML is being ignored in the generated PDF. I have...
View ArticleIs there an equivalent of SimpleTest's "partial mocks" in PHPUnit?
I'm trying to migrate a bunch of tests from SimpleTest to PHPUnit and I was wondering if there is an equivalent for SimpleTest's partial mocks.I can't seem to find anything in the documentation which...
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