I wrote a script, which opens 7 programs approximately 10 times (yes its a prankscript).
My question is, is there a way to observe, if the last process is closed and if so, restarting the whole script again?
while ($start -le 10){ Start-Process mspaint.exe Start-Process notepad.exe Start-Process write.exe Start-Process cmd.exe Start-Process explorer.exe Start-Process control.exe Start-Process calc.exe $start =+ 1}
My script now looks like following:
$start; $processPowerShell.exe -windowstyle hidden { script.ps1 }while ($start -le 10){ Start-Process mspaint.exe Start-Process notepad.exe Start-Process write.exe Start-Process cmd.exe Start-Process explorer.exe Start-Process control.exe Start-Process calc.exe $start =+ 1}$process = Get-Process mspaint.exeif ($process = $false){ Start-Process -FilePath c:/script.ps1}
I did test this, but it starts all over again... I think that I use Get-Process
Is there another way to observe, if the process is closed or not?