React Native: The new Java toolchain feature cannot be used at the project...
I am trying to upgrade react-native project from 0.64 to latest. I did replaced most of the outdated packages to the latest and so far so good.When I try to run npx react-native run-android, error at...
View ArticleHow to set default initialization tool in Autodesk Viewer when loading a model?
Upon initiating the model within the viewer (utilizing viewer version 7.95), the preset tool activated by default is the orbit tool, I want to alter this to the pan tool, just exec...
View ArticleHow correctly to work with Anylogic getEngine().step() function?
I have a problem with statechart in my model. For example if I write statechart.fireevent("1")witch change active state1 to state2, it doesn't change it instantly, but through the "atomic delay". If I...
View ArticleFilling a Progress Bar without a button
so I'm trying to make a progress bar that automatically starts filling whenthe window is instead of making a button that when pressed it call the function of fillingthe bar I call the...
View ArticleWearOS heartrate being read but not changing on the display
I am developing a wearos app that reads the heart rate and then displays it. On the watch the app says Heart Rate: 0 and changes based off the user's heart rate. Although I have it set so that it shows...
View ArticleCount Total Number of rows between two values when condition is met
I have the following data:Date, Symbol, Close2021-01-01, AAPL, 102021-01-02, AAPL, 122021-01-03, AAPL, 32021-01-01, MSFT, 122021-01-02, MSFT, 202021-01-03, MSFT, 122021-01-04, MSFT, 12021-01-05, MSFT,...
View Articleevent listener is not removing even though command is complete
I'm making an RPG game inspired by freecodecamp but with my own twist where I have a buy weapons section and you can choose which weapon you would like to buy. it works normally up until i return to...
View ArticleHow to cut some edges of UIView in swift?
enter image description hereI tried to do and research on the internet but no any resource for drawing or cut some edge of UIView in Swift UIKit/SwiftUI. If anyone can know or can do like image above,...
View ArticleHow do I move related columns together in a grouped bar chart?
I have the following dataset:df <- data.frame( Product = c(755, 728, 417, 355, 913, 634, 385, 208, 204, 696, 968, 816, 279, 869, 823, 646, 986, 674, 806, 335, 731, 734, 107, 105, 512, 859, 159, 113,...
View ArticleHow to type text by cypress cy.type in in Ionic Vue?
cy.get('[data-cy=insta-comment]').type('hello').should('have.value', 'hello');cy.get('[data-cy=submitBtn]').click();ion-input data-cy="insta-comment"ion-button data-cy="submitBtn" type="submit"The word...
View ArticleJavascript in TypeWriter Effect
I try to create a typeWriter effect using Javascript. It done perfectly, but it cannot type '<' character. I don't know how to fix itMy code is:let other = document.getElementById('other');let txt =...
View ArticleHow to I can view background apps in a React Native application?
I'm working on a Gaming Social Media app with react native and I need to access information about background apps running on the device. Specifically, I want to retrieve a list of background apps along...
View ArticleImplementing a Leader-Election Algorithm for Rings of Rings
I'm working on implementing a leader-election algorithm for a ring of rings network as part of a project. The goal is to use an asynchronous-start and terminating variant of the LCR algorithm to...
View ArticleHow to combine queries in django that span foreign key relationships?
Suppose I have two models:class Team(models.Model): name = models.CharField()class Player(models.Model): name = models.CharField() team = models.ForeignKey(Team)Now, I want to filter Player objects...
View ArticlePort 0x353 is out of range - pyads
I am trying to connect to PLC to read certain variables from my linux server. However,I encounter an error of "Port 0x353 is out of range". I am not able to solve this.Additional details:Ubuntu 20.04...
View ArticleCode is unreachable after pd.concat - Python
I've getting a strange warning in VSCode after concatenating data that reads Code is unreachable Pylance.I need to iterate over a df to send out each individual series as an output. It needs to be row...
View Articlewhat is the direct method of finding nth power value of matrix say A is 2x2...
we can find the same with diagonalisation but its too lenghty process.I would like to know the shortcuti tried diagonalisation method in which we find the eigen values and then find the modal matrix...
View ArticleHow to Clean Audio Playlist in audio service flutter app
How can I clean the Audio Playlist ConcatenatingAudioSource after adding some Audio Chapters to the PLaylist in Audio Service? I am using the AudioPlayerHandlerImpl Singleton class to access all the...
View ArticleHow can I download a specific version of Visual Studio build tools?
My 2017 build tools updated for a program that I maintain, and since the update my debugger has completely broken. I have uninstalled and reinstalled visual studio build tools multiple times with a...
View ArticleTrending Ludo Games
Introducing new Ludo game applicationI've just discovered the newest hit on the Play Store, "Ludo Rivals," and it's too exciting not to share! This game offers endless entertainment.The gameplay is...
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