How to ingest json object that contains array in S3 to AWS Opensearch in a...
No object was injested and in cloudwatch log found error:2024-03-12T00:21:29.627 [Thread-11] ERROR org.opensearch.dataprepper.plugins.source.s3.S3ObjectWorker - Error reading from S3 object:...
View Articlebootstrap icon content is not exactly in the middle
this is my website's settings button screen shot.enter image description hereIt may be visible, but it is slightly tilted to the upper right.It is not a failure of vertical center alignment. I want...
View ArticleDevelop a Login function with WhatsApp QR
From the WhatsApp Encryption Overview docs, I noticed that "Companion Devices" and other platforms such as ChatDaddy have their QR generated by a Curve25519 computed over 0x600/0x601.All of those QR...
View ArticleIdentify container from file struct in Linux kernel
I'm writing a LSM and hooking the file_open function. At the moment I can print out the name of the file being accessed. However, when I access a file /dir/file in a docker container (the file does not...
View ArticleWhere to run Terraform in a new Cloud tenancy
If Terraform is supposed to deploy whole infrastructure from nothing to everything then where is that Terraform template suppose to run?Due to security reasons we don't want to run the terraform...
View ArticleImport Data from Excel into GAMS that contain Zeros
This might seems simple question.but I don't why I cannot know how to fix this problem.I have a matrix in a Excell sheet that contain zero values.enter image description hereBut this what is shown is...
View ArticleHow do I make a node package with an optional peerDependency it depends on in...
The official documentation for peerDependency's says (emphasis mine):A plugin package is meant to be used with another "host" package, even though it does not always directly use the host package.I've...
View ArticleReact Hook Form integrate MUI TextField with mask - Input loses focus when 1...
I create MUI TextField component and integration with 3rd party input mask libraries. Then I integrate my component with React Hook Form. Everything works as expected except that once I type any 1...
View ArticleCannot Add Azure Entra (active Directory) Custom Domain
I cannot add a domain name to Azure AD / Entra ID because it was previously addedThis domain has been previously configured on *** using an existing Microsoft Entra ID or Office 365. To...
View ArticleHow to embed camunda tasklist into a react application using iFrame
My requirement is I want to fully embed the Camunda tasklist into a react application using iFrame. Is that possible in Camunda 8? I am using Camunda 8 self-managed. I embedded Camunda 7 tasklist by...
View ArticlePython object deleting itself
Why won't this work? I'm trying to make an instance of a class delete itself.>>> class A(): def kill(self): del self>>> a = A()>>> a.kill()>>> a<__main__.A...
View ArticleVariables in where clause in Oracle PL/SQL Developer
In ORACLE PL/SQL DEVELOPER, am I able to do the following as I could easily do in SQL Server?DECLARE @EmpIDVar INTSET @EmpIDVar = 1234SELECT *FROM EmployeesWHERE EmployeeID = @EmpIDVarThis seems like...
View ArticleMultiple choice menu program in C using the switch statement and scanf ()...
I'm trying to write a program with choice menu using the switch statement in C. Here's my code:main (){ char option; int test; start: printf ("Enter: "); scanf ("%c", &option); while (getchar() !=...
View ArticleHow to improve git's diff highlighting?
The output of git diff is optimized for code which tends to be one statement per line whereas text can (if authors like me are too lazy to use line breaks) cause diff output which is very hard to read...
View ArticleAngular material table footer totals
I am using angular material table 8.2.3. I have a lot of tables that are generated from a definition in the typescript. Most of the tables have to do with numbers so I have to show totals on the...
View Articlepymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError:localhost:27017:[WinError 10061]...
I am following the Python tutorial from W3Schools. I just started the MongoDB chapter. I installed MongoDB and checked it with:import pymongowithout getting an error.But as soon as I enter the...
View ArticleCreate a .cer File From the Text of a Certificate
From SSL2BUY I have the text for a certificate starting with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" down to "-----END CERTIFICATE-----". There is no download option just an email option (but that person isn't...
View ArticleVS Code execute selection to IPython shell in terminal (no notebook)
I wanted to use IPython interactive in VSC (not using a notebook). By using a keybiding for workbench.action.terminal.runSelectedText, I can successfully execute a selection to a python interactive...
View ArticleHow to make accordion close when other is open
I need help with some elementor accordion...This is my code:jQuery(document).ready(function () { jQuery('.elementor-tab-title').click(function () { let active =...
View Articlehow to deploy NextJS 13 to AWS Lambda?
is it possible to deploy nextjs app to aws lambda? if possible how to do it?I want to deploy and run my NextJS application in SSR mode on aws Lambda
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