How do you define a class of constants in Java?
Suppose you need to define a class which all it does is hold constants.public static final String SOME_CONST = "SOME_VALUE";What is the preferred way of doing this?InterfaceAbstract ClassFinal...
View Articlewhat is root layout in XML?
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/rootLayout" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"><ScrollView...
View Articlehttp status 302 error in tomcat eclipse
I am developing a Telco application (Dyanamic Web application project to send and receive sms) using Eclipse & tomcate version 7When I try to run it onhttp://localhost:8080/SMS1It gives an error...
View ArticleHow can I get an element by xpath?
I need to find any element in DOM by xpath. I already tried the following:let el = await page.$x('//*[@id="readium-right-panel"]/ul/li[1]');The returning error is:TypeError: page.$x is not a function
View ArticleUsing MYSQLI to select rows in which part of a column matches part of an input
I have a database in which one of the columns contains a series of information 'tags' about the row that are stored as a comma-separated list (a string) of dynamic length. I am using mysqli within PHP,...
View Articlegetting 'DataFrameGroupBy' object is not callable in jupyter
I have this csv file from'm trying to aggregate with airportdata =...
View ArticleVisual Studio Code shows a lot of errors in Cypress
I have a question with VSCode. I developed tests with Cypress and VS didn't show any problem. In fact, this tests are working right now. However, VS Code shows a lot of stranges errors today. For...
View ArticleDocker driver "overlay2" failed to remove root filesystem: unlinkat - device...
When trying to remove a docker container (for example when trying to docker-compose down) I always get these errors:ERROR: for <my_container> container...
View ArticleHow to fix Error 127 (flake8: no such file or directory)?
I'm trying to create a makefile for some code I wrote for an assignment. I need to be able to perform various style checks, type checks, etc. I'm using a makefile for this, and when I try executing a...
View Articlememory order with multiple stores
Consider the example below. Assume that barrier is initialized to 0.There is one producer thread and two consumer threads that constantly check barrier. If the barrier is set, they decrease runcnt. The...
View Articleconvert file to dict where value is a code, e.g. PovScore(1,2)
I have following data (7MB) and it's stored in transpostion.txt:{'0x2df54c975eb48346': [PovScore(Cp(+57), BLACK), 5], ...}I did trywith open("transposition.txt", "r") as file: x = file.readline()...
View ArticleCalculate and display on the screen in the form of a table the values of the...
Calculate and display on the screen in the form of a table the values of the function specified using the Taylor series in the interval from Xstart to Xend with a step of dx with an accuracy of E....
View ArticleKeyboard Dismisses Automatically After Typing or Removing One Character
I'm encountering an issue in my Flutter app where the keyboard dismisses automatically after typing or removing just one character in a TextFormField. I have a ListView.builder with Dismissible widgets...
View ArticleRemove duplicates without exact match
I need to removes duplicates from my dataframe where the respective values in columns A nd C match, and where the respective values in columns B and C match. My issue is that there are null values in...
View ArticleFunction to search sequential values on a list
I have the following list:list = [ [2, 'A', '1'], [6, 'A', '2'], [6, 'S', '3'], [9, 'A', '4'], [6, 'A', '5'], [6, 'A', '6'], [6, 'S', '7'], [9, 'A', '8'], [9, 'A', '9'], [6, 'A', '10'], [10, 'S',...
View ArticleCan I submit to the same Single Thread Executor multiple times?
I have a block of code that should be run in parallel on different threads using CompletableFuture and ExecutorService. The block of code makes network requests (Using RetroFit), and waits for each...
View ArticleCompilation error, Cannot open cmake_pch.pch
I am getting the following 3 errors in visual studio code when trying to build. using x64 native tools.First error is...C1083 Cannot open compiler intermediate file: 'G:/AzerothCore...
View ArticleBreeder or alternatives for Python3.x
I have a very specific need: given 2 or more files, which aremain.pyshared_lib.pytools.pyall being standalone (i.e. importing only default python modules), I need to:Append and/or...
View Articlefrom data.dataloader import DataLoader as DL ModuleNotFoundError: No module...
I want to run a federated learning related code, but this error occursfrom data.dataloader import DataLoader as DLModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'data'There is a data file in the code folder, why...
View ArticleMake command is failing when I clean
I'm just starting out and have a simple make fail gcc -Wall -std=c99 ./src/*.c -o gamerun: ./gameclean: rm gameI can run make build and make run but I'm getting an error for make clean.PS...
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