Calculate and display on the screen in the form of a table the values of the function specified using the Taylor series in the interval from Xstart to Xend with a step of dx with an accuracy of E. Provide the table with a header and a header. Each row of the table must contain the value of the argument, the value of the function and the number of summed members of the series.Taylor series
I just can't understand what does lnx on the left side mean? This is not Taylor series for lnx..
using System;namespace LabWorks1k2s{ internal class Program { static void Main() { double y, xmin, xmax, dx, e; int n, nmax; string buf; do { Console.WriteLine("x start: "); buf = Console.ReadLine(); xmin = Convert.ToDouble(buf); } while (xmin < 0.5); do { Console.WriteLine("x end: "); buf = Console.ReadLine(); xmax = Convert.ToDouble(buf); } while (xmax < 0.5); Console.WriteLine("dх: "); buf = Console.ReadLine(); dx = Convert.ToDouble(buf); Console.WriteLine("Iterations: "); buf = Console.ReadLine(); nmax = Convert.ToInt32(buf); Console.WriteLine("accuracy e: "); buf = Console.ReadLine(); e = Convert.ToDouble(buf); n = 0; double sum = 0; Console.WriteLine("Arg\t Func\t N"); while (xmin<=xmax) { do { y = Math.Pow((xmin - 1), n + 1) / (n + 1) * Math.Pow(xmin, n + 1); sum = sum + y; n++; xmin += dx; Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1,50}\t{2}", xmin, sum, n); if (n>=nmax) { Console.WriteLine("Too much iterations!"); break; } } while (Math.Abs(sum) >= e); } Console.ReadKey(); } }}
Made this code, but I don't actually understand task :c