What's the difference between application layer and business logic layer?
What's the difference between application layer and business logic layer? I kind of understand that business layer provides business specific services and application layer couples business services...
View ArticleHow to mute an iframe content?
I have a 3rd party iframe containing videos from youtube, vimeo ,... Is there a generic way to mute the iframe content independently from the video/audio source?
View ArticleCakePHP: write test for table on shell
I'm writing a plugin for CakePHP that import/export databases. This plugin has a shell and its index() method lists the databases already exported:public function index(){ //Gets alla files $files =...
View ArticleHow to connect Google Data Studio to AWS Athena?
I need to connect Google Data Studio to AWS Athena. One way to do that is with a the JDBC URL connection option. I used the following parameters in the Database Authentication form and I got the error...
View ArticleHow to send error to DLQ if Lambda function throws error (not timedOut)?
I am having Lambda function that I expect to return some result. So if I send wrong parameters it fails for example in the middle of the function.Is there a way I can handle if any error occurs to be...
View ArticleSyntaxError: "JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the...
I am getting above mentioned error on trying to retrieve the JSON response from Fetch API. For some reason it works with 2 API's out of 4, but not for the rest 2. I do not see any difference on Front...
View ArticleIs there a way to automatically add a trailing slash to all URLs except for...
Here is my .htaccess file:RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mywebsite\.com [NC]RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.mywebsite.com/$1 [L,R=301]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond...
View ArticleMaterial-UI Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): cannot appear as a descendant of
I'm using Material UI and I get this error when I click on Collapse cmp (Material UI) which is inside a table:validateDOMNesting(...): <p> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>. **I saw same...
View ArticleWebpack-dev-server "Cannot GET /"
i'm trying to get my webpack-dev-server to run but i face always the error "Cannot Get /" at the browser.I know that there are serveral questions with the same error, but none of them helped me, so now...
View ArticleError on large screenshot using "widget_screenshot" in Flutter
In the past I successfully used version 0.08 in August of last year of this widget (https://pub.dev/packages/widget_screenshot). I cloned my repository today.Now, with the same code (in physical and...
View ArticleIs 'foreach' faster than a 'for' loop?
I have solved this LeetCode problem Valid Anagram with the following solution, which achieved a runtime of 4Â ms.class Solution { public boolean isAnagram(String s, String t) { if (s.length() !=...
View ArticleTrigger WPF doubleanimation from Powershell codebehind
This is Powershell/WPF (The loaded assemblies are pasted from my project and mostly not needed for this)I am making an animated flyout button, it works as intended, I click the button, it slides into...
View ArticleYAML to json conversion python
I have this yaml file for a project I need---baselines:- baseline_name: Ubuntu STIG baseline- source_benchmark_name: DISA STIG Ubuntu 20.04 LTS v1r7- in_scope_component: GOLDEN_BASE_AMI rules: -...
View ArticleHow to convert flatten image dataset to array of(23,10000) before feeding it...
import tensorflow as tfimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib as pltimport pathlibimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport cv2import osfrom keras.layers import Densefrom keras.models...
View ArticleHow do I change the cursor speed in VS code when navigating with keyboard...
I am using VS Code on a MacBook Pro and would like to change the speed at which the cursor navigates through my script when I press and hold the arrow key on my keyboard, i.e., the nr. of characters...
View Articlehow to retrieve list of objects from firebase real time database in flutter
I have the following list of objects in my firebase realtime database:It is an object called Year, which have id and year values.Here is the year model I built:class YearModel { int? id; String? year;...
View ArticleGolang channel writing to and reading from issue - new to golang channels
This is plain producer consumer problem with golang channels. I want to put something in channel, and out to write it on console.package mainimport ("fmt""sync""time")func main() { chIn := make(chan...
View ArticlePDF color gradient not rendering same (or at all) in different viewers
I am trying to create a linear color gradient in PDF. After some effort, I was able to render a rectangle filled with gradient in Chrome, however Mozilla only renders a black rectangle and Acrobat...
View ArticleHow to find percentage for each distinct value that meet a certain condition...
There are three columns: ID, date, sleeptimehrs. I want to find the percentage of days where each ID had more than 7 hours of sleep. So for example ID "10" has 15 days/rows of data. 7 of those rows are...
View ArticleTypeScript use union of union
Can someone please help me understand what is happening here?type A = { propA: string };type B = { propB: number }type U = A | B;class Model {}class SingleModel extends Model { constructor(input: U) {...
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