Non-nullable instance field must be initialized
class Foo { int count; // Error void bar() => count = 0;}Why I'm seeing an error when I am already initializing it in the bar method? I could understand this error if count was marked final.
View ArticleLarave database connection
I am a bit confused about laravel database connection.If I execute a laravel code that select from database three queries as example.If laravel establish database connection and login into database...
View ArticleCypress - (uncaught exception)NotSupportedError: The user agent does not...
Normally we are able to login with self signed certificate from localhost pointing to different server.But during cypress end to end testing, this is failing with the(uncaught...
View Articlenth substring multiplicity using itertools
I am trying to write a function that returns a string with the nth substring replaced by a new substring.I tried the following:import refrom itertools import counttext =...
View ArticleHow can I launch several goroutines and obtain the result of each one...
I'm a little confused about the best way to use channels in Go. I am in a situation like this:I need to execute the generateFruit, generateCity, generateCountry functions in 3 goroutines (each one in a...
View ArticleHow do i use AF_XDP, XDP and eBPF to send DNSpackets to resolver_addr
I am a XDP newbie and not much of a C guy, this program will be called from Golang using i want is to use XDP to send DNS resolution packets to a specified...
View ArticleAccessing iframe after page loaded
I was trying to add a iframe and connect to google maps after the page loaded like below<iframe width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"...
View ArticleHow to extrude a certain triangle in a mesh in three.js
Description:My three.js scene is based upon a selection tool in which if we click and drag over the mesh it colors the triangles of the mesh red, I want to create a function that when runs checks the...
View is an unknown property. Is... tried to downgrade the version of Spring but nothing helps and I also couldn’t...
View ArticleHow to remove duplicate key from a Json object?
I need to merge two arrays of objects based on a common field, keeping the objects that are present in both arrays and combining their fields.I am getting duplicate keys after merging two arrays. How...
View Articlelinear equations with unknown cofficients how to write in c language [closed]
How to write this in c programming language.Here is my thought:#include <stdio.h>int main() { double a, b, c, n, y; printf("Enter a: "); scanf("%lf", &a); printf("Enter b: "); scanf("%lf",...
View ArticleFail Install pyenv using brew in terminal
I use brew to install pyenv in terminal but fail an shows error: what I should do?Error: Failure while executing; `/usr/bin/env /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/shared/curl --disable --cookie...
View ArticleStoring MongoDB Collection Name in Variable
I am attempting to store the name of a MongoDB collection in a variable and refer to that in a query. If I specify the name of the collection without quotes, my query runs, but if I place the name of...
View ArticleJumping in ursina python
How to make a code in python ursina engine that makes the player jump higher?I tried to write:class level_1_class(Entity): def __init__(self,\**kwargs): self.player = FirstPersonController()...
View ArticleUse wildcards to trace an a.href in the querySelectorAll NodeList
Let's say that instead of looking at the ID, I want to select all a.href elements that contain (a piece of) this example: if document.url is "".var youtubeID =...
View ArticleIn C#, How to ensure all implementation of an interface have certain...
I want to do something like this. But I can't use IMyInterface as the generic type for MyField because it is not promised to be unmanaged. Is there any work around?public struct Main<T> where T:...
View ArticleHow to use default parameters while defining functions in golang as it...
Line 1: Char 36: syntax error: unexpected = in parameter list; possibly missing comma or )orLine 1: Char 32: syntax error: unexpected := in parameter list; possibly missing comma or )Codefunc...
View Articlewhat should I do my encoded result gives output as bolean instead of binary?
After performing OneHotEncoding , my data frame gives values for its columns as True and False, not as 1 and 0, what I am supposed to have.My code is like>> where data frame is ds and categorical...
View ArticleHow to insert values into an object using Jquery
Sorry for this silly question, newbie here.I'm trying to do a testing and I want to insert the element name and ALT text values into var tagged ={} object.var $img = $('#gallery img');var tagged =...
View ArticleHow to execute script when files change when serving Angular app
I have a script that transforms a markdown file (.md) into HTML and places it in a folder in an Angular app. I have a prebuild step in the package.json file that executes this script.Then... I make...
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