When getting the system time why does everyone recommend getting the number...
My operating system, Windows, keeps track of the time and date, it's at the bottom right corner of the desktop. If I want to get the time and date, I'd expect a call (maybe a system call) that...
View ArticleHow can I write data stored in a float ptr created using cudaMallocManaged to...
I've some Cuda code and I'd like to write values out as quickly as possible in a well-organised format (I think HDF5 would be a good candidate, most users will want to load the data using python or...
View ArticleProperty not passed correctly onto sub component
I have a simple site which loads property-related data from a Danish national data provider, SDFI.I am having issues passing down the right values from a mother component to a sub component.My code...
View ArticleHow to use foreach loop with SQL prepared statements
I'm using php to loop over an array that calls for SQL information. It looks like this. The code shows the result for the first item in the array but it returns blanks for the rest.$sql = "SELECT name,...
View ArticleJetpack compose Lazy column with varying negative vertical arrangement
I am implementing a Lazycolumn to display gift cards in a stacked manner. Similar to the Samsung wallet. data class GiftCard( val giftCardUrl: String = "https://via.placeholder.com/150", val color:...
View ArticlePython Exam (need help bruh)
bruh helpi dunno how to code so i came here for helpYou are employed as a software developer for Computer Solution Ltd company which is part of the Business Support Services Industry. One of their...
View ArticleIBM ILOG CPLEX SheetConnection error message using flow control - Element...
I have programmed a .mod file for solving a flexible job shop problem and it runs perfectly just using it and the .dat file. Now, I am trying to modify the parameter A by using flow control in a .mod...
View ArticlePopulate Data from another sheet based on data matching with AppScript
I want to populate data in Sheet2 from Sheet1 Data according to match the cell data with AppScript.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iTceKKLdlUj9UNOcwgVChdRKWyvA7_-L5M-bbGJyyJ4/edit#gid=0I tried...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2019 - how to display variable contents like Visual Studio 2010...
I have got 2 Versions of Visual Studio installed - 2010 and 2019. I was working with 2010 for years and I am really used to the behaviour of that app version.Now in 2019 some string variable values are...
View ArticleHow to return null inside the function/method if a property in the class is...
I use stdClass to convert an array to an object,function array_to_object($array){ if(!is_array($array)) { return $array; } $object = new stdClass(); foreach($array as $key => $value) { $key =...
View ArticlePHP - Convert multidimensional array to 2D array with dot notation keys
There are plenty of tips and code examples out there of accessing PHP arrays with dot notation, but I would like to do somewhat the opposite. I would like to take a multidimensional array like...
View ArticleWhat algorithm is used when using the in operator in python to search a list?
When using the 'in' operator to search for an item in a list e.g.if item in list: print itemWhat algorithm is used to search for this item. Is it a straight search of the list from beginning to end or...
View ArticleFlutter - Vertical Divider and Horizontal Divider
In Flutter, is there an option to draw a vertical lines between components as in the image.
View ArticleAttempt to parallelize the summation of natural numbers from 1 to N happens...
Read in Silberschatz’s Operating System Concepts about the use of multithreading in order to perform “the summation of a non-negative integer in a separate thread using the well-known summation...
View ArticleDynamic Nonce : Error using dynamic nonce in .htaccess...
I know this has been asked countless times, but I cant seem to find a solution to my problem.The Problem : I am unable to use Content-Security-Policy nonce and its generating an error.The Error via...
View ArticleGet the file extension from byte array
Below is the code snippet to get the file extensionpublic static Map<String, String> getImageType(byte[] imageContent) throws Exception { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String,...
View ArticlePandas modify the original excel
I want to replace a value into an excel and then save it.Using the following code I see that pandas is changing the format of the original excel.writer = pd.ExcelWriter(str(Path.cwd())+'\file.xlsx',...
View ArticleHow to replace/fill div values in the Table.Cell React
I have a React table and I want to load all general data on the loading. And data that is not already loaded, I want it to be stored like empty lines.For example, I have a Table.Cell in the Table.Row...
View ArticleSelecting today's rows based on UTC time
I have a table with a field called recordTime of type timestamp without time zone. I want to select today's rows only (i.e. since midnight). The records are sourced globally and arrive as UTC, so I...
View ArticleCannot loop over files in /run/secrets in Docker
Is looping over files in /run/secrets forbidden in Docker; or perhaps, sh?I am trying to do this in a script called by ENTRYPOINT:#!/bin/sh…cd /run/secrets/usersls -l # A list of files, proving that...
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