I am implementing a Lazycolumn
to display gift cards in a stacked manner. Similar to the Samsung wallet.
data class GiftCard( val giftCardUrl: String = "https://via.placeholder.com/150", val color: Color = Color.Green, val giftCardCode: String = color.hashCode().toString(),) { fun isSameKindAs(other: GiftCard): Boolean { return giftCardCode == other.giftCardCode }}
The same gift cards are stacked together (overlapping) with 10.dp
padding in between. If the upcoming car a different, then the overlapping padding becomes 30.dp
@Composableprivate fun StackedGiftCards( giftCards: List<GiftCard>,) { val cardWidth = 343.dp val cardHeight = 219.dp LazyColumn( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(10.dp - cardHeight) ) { itemsIndexed(giftCards) { index, giftCard -> val paddingTop = when { index == 0 -> { 0.dp } !giftCard.isSameKindAs(giftCards[index - 1]) -> { 30.dp } else -> { 0.dp } } GiftCard( modifier = Modifier .width(cardWidth) .height(cardHeight) .padding( top = paddingTop ), giftCard = giftCard, index = index ) } }}
Unfortunately, a LazyColumn
only allows a single vertical arrangement of unique spacing.
Does compose allow this at all? Can someone shed some light on this?