Haskell function to verify parentheses matching
I need to write a function par :: String -> Bool to verify if a given string with parentheses is matching using stack module.Ex:par "(((()[()])))" = Truepar "((]())" = FalseHere's my stack module...
View ArticleHaskell map/zip Vs. list comprehension
Which of the following are you most likely to write?r = zip xs $ map sqrt xsorr = [(x, sqrt x) | x <- xs]Sample code on the Internet seems to indicate that the former is more abundant and the...
View ArticleDisabled form inputs do not appear in the request
I have some disabled inputs in a form and I want to send them to a server, but Chrome excludes them from the request. Is there any workaround for this without adding a hidden field? <form...
View ArticleUncatchable ChuckNorrisException
Is it possible to construct a snippet of code in Java that would make a hypothetical java.lang.ChuckNorrisException uncatchable?Thoughts that came to mind are using for example interceptors or...
View ArticleIntersection of infinite lists
I know from computability theory that it is possible to take the intersection of two infinite lists, but I can't find a way to express it in Haskell.The traditional method fails as soon as the second...
View ArticleCreate a function in Kotlin that takes an enum parameter
I'm creating a function that takes an enum value as a parameter, but I am very new to Kotlin and I can't find any material that covers this specifically.Example:enum class Color(val rgb: Int) {...
View ArticleHow to connect to Kubernetes Cluster using ServiceAccount Token?
For any example, the client-go connect to the kubernetes cluster with the kubeconfig file, but I don't want to do that. I've createed a service account, now I have a ServiceAccount Token, how to...
View ArticleIs there a term and design principle for the auditability/ observability/...
Is there a term and design principle for the auditability/ observability/ traceability of system processes? For example, I've got a product with a calculation engine at it's core, it's passed a list of...
View ArticleHandling custom transaction failures
I have a use case where to mark a create entity operation as successful in my service, I have to write some metadata to DataBase 1 (my service has direct access to DB), internally call another api of...
View ArticleWant to Download files from Autodesk BIM360/ACC. Any sample code using Python?
Want to Download files from Autodesk BIM360/ACC. Any sample code using Python?Download files from Autodesk BIM360/ACC. Any sample code using Python?def download_selected_files(self):"""Initiate...
View ArticleHow can I nest Jsonnet object comprehensions and run the inner loop a...
I'm trying to figure out how to nest/chain an object comprehension to do something other than a 'full product' and have the inner loop iterate a different amount, but can't figure it out.{...
View ArticleConverting complex Formula into Dynamic Array
Trying to create a Dynamic array from a somewhat complex formula but keep getting #N/A errors randomly.For some reason, the y value of the equations doesn't like it.Effectively the #N/A for the first...
View ArticleHow to create file in server and download locally when pushing a button?
I have zero experience with web development. This sounds like a reasonably simple thing to implement, but I guess I don't know the correct keywords to use when searching online because I haven't gotten...
View ArticleAmazon MQ as broker relay for Spring + Websocket + Stomp is not working
Im not able to connect to Amazon MQ(Active MQ) which i'm setting up broker relay for web-socket connections over STOMP protocol.Below are few of my configuration attemptsEnvironment:Spring Boot...
View ArticleWhy is (1 + Number.MIN_VALUE) equal to 1?
I noticed that these evaluate to true:(1 + Number.MIN_VALUE) === 1Object.is(1 + Number.MIN_VALUE, 1)From the documentation:The Number.MIN_VALUE static data property represents the smallest positive...
View ArticleSelenium : ElementClickInterceptedException Element is not clickable
I'm using RED (Robot framework editor) currently working on a project and when trying to click on an href I get an errorElementClickInterceptedException, element is not clickable at point(616,304)....
View Articleproducts.map is not a function in console.log() data got
'use client'import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';export default function Page() { const [products, setProducts] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { const fetchData = async () => {...
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