I'm creating a function that takes an enum value as a parameter, but I am very new to Kotlin and I can't find any material that covers this specifically.
enum class Color(val rgb: Int) { RED(0xFF0000), ORANGE(0xffa500), YELLOW(0xffff00), GREEN(0x00FF00), BLUE(0x0000FF), INDIGO(0x4b0082), VIOLET(0x8F5E99)}fun getHexColor (Color: Enum){ when(x){ Color.BLUE -> println("Battle") else -> print("otherwise") }}
I get an error that says:
One type argument expected for class Enum<E: Enum<E>>
I've looked through Kotlin documentation for over an hour and I've got nothing to show for it... do any of you have an idea of how to use this class as a parameter?