What VBA Coding can filter out and delete multiple criteria?
Posting in the hope I'm not flame grilled. Bluntly, I'm a novice and though I'm trying my best, Rome wasn't built in a day and I'm stuck.I've had some help elsewhere and Kudos to the person, they are...
View ArticleHow do I put a background image at the very top of the window?
I'm a beginner in html/css and I'm manipulating html pages already created by someone else at work.I can't get my background image to stick to the top of the window.I've tried a few things with...
View ArticleCannot get URLSessionTaskDelegate#willBeginDelayedRequest to be called,...
No matter what I do, willBeginDelayedRequest is not called. The other delegate calls work perfectly.Note that this is not even in a background capable app, it's the simple case ...run the appkill...
View ArticleConditionally wrap a vue 3 element
In Vue 3, how can an element be conditionally wrapped rather than creating two seperate blocks with v-if directive?I have a simplified example here, but the question deals with conditional wrapping....
View ArticleCreating an array of quarterly dates in azure synapse pipeline
I am working in the Azure Synapse Pipeline environment and I am trying to initialize an array that will contain the dates "03-31", "06-30", "09-30" and "12-31" for dates within the range of 2018 to the...
View ArticleConnection with presto cluster using R
I am trying to establish a connection with Presto CLuster, but I am receiving the following error message:Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :Could not resolve host:...
View ArticleJTextfield don't send the text to an another class
So im trying to a bank program in java. The login works great but i also want to display the money, the IBAN and the BIC but i need the login name to get these three. My problem is now that it doesn't...
View ArticleDebugging ServerDisconnectedError in Dockerized setup with S3 upstream
I have a setup with 3 Docker instances running on Debian, load-balanced with Nginx, and using S3 as an upstream. I'm encountering error:ServerDisconnectedError('Server disconnected')".The errors seems...
View ArticleView with merged rows
I have the following table:create table a (b varchar2(1), c integer);Insert into A (B, C)VALUES ('a', 1);Insert into A (B, C)VALUES ('b', 2);Insert into A (B, C)VALUES ('c', 3);Insert into A (B,...
View ArticleHow to download Firebase Test Lab matrix artifacts?
Is there a way to download Firebase Test Lab matrix artifacts using Cloud Functions and probably save ourselves the trouble of creating another service account to authenticate with GCloud...
View ArticleDiscord.js dont listen on on_message event
I am trying make bot, that will delete mesages. Problem is that randomly bot stops listening messages and I dont know why. May it be request limit, but after start bot send message in channel, but dont...
View ArticleFlutter. Animate an image by pixel
I need to display an image (sort of pixel array) pixel by pixel starting from left down corner moving right, like a snake, with a little delay (0.1 second for example).
View Articlebootstrap icon not correctly rendered in firefox
My Firefox version: 115.9.1esr (64-bit)The above picture shows strange symbols where it should be "house" etc. Itbo only happens on the computer I am using to ask this question.
View ArticleGLM warnings after vscode update
After a vs code update (2024-05 update) my build using cmake did not work anymore. Somewhere along the way a include path in my Cmakefiles.txt got lost and wouldn't work anymore. This also happened...
View ArticleWhy would SVG coordinate offsets are different on mobile to desktop?
I have built an SVG image image which involved some translations, and an <svg> tag within an <svg> tag to produce a rescaling effect on the coordinates.The SVG shows as I expect on desktop,...
View ArticleHow to run asp.net core 6.0 application in subdirectory?
I'm running a 6.0 asp.net core app in a subdirectory "myapp". This used to work fine in the asp.net mvc 5 version, but now when I have a form, using Html.BeginForm(), it posts to the root url instead...
View ArticleCustomizing python interpreter for security reasons
my team and I have spent a long time developing a product. Unfortunately, due to the AI features we've implemented, we are constrained to using Python. We've been considering various strategies to...
View ArticleRunning Java with CMD
I have created a java project which is working perfectly on netbeans. I added also JDBC connector and i am also using java sound. When users login in the project, i sound will automatically play in the...
View ArticleCan't Autowire Repository Interface in Spring Data JDBC
I took my first steps with Spring Data JDBC. I encountered the Problem of using my Repository Interface in my Service Class.But lets take a Look at the Code:@Table("users")public class User {@Idprivate...
View ArticleUsing getopts to process long and short command line options
I wish to have long and short forms of command line options invoked using my shell script.I know that getopts can be used, but like in Perl, I have not been able to do the same with shell.Any ideas on...
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