Is there a way to download Firebase Test Lab matrix artifacts using Cloud Functions and probably save ourselves the trouble of creating another service account to authenticate with GCloud CLI?
exports.testMatrixCompletion = functions.testLab.testMatrix().onComplete(testMatrix => { // TestMatrix captures details about a test run: const matrixId = testMatrix.testMatrixId; switch (testMatrix.state) { case 'FINISHED': console.log(`Test matrix ${matrixId} finished with outcome: ${testMatrix.outcomeSummary}`); break; case 'INVALID': console.log(`Test matrix ${matrixId} was marked as invalid: ${testMatrix.invalidMatrixDetails}`); break; default: console.log(`Test matrix ${matrixId} completed with state ${testMatrix.state}`); } console.log(`Test matrix ${matrixId} completed with client details ${testMatrix.clientInfo}`); if (!!testMatrix.resultStorage.resultsUrl) { console.log(`Test results are available at ${testMatrix.resultStorage.resultsUrl}`); } // TODO: Cache the test matrix results and store it to a cloud storage solution where download url of files are accessible for public, // one quick solution is to use Firebase Cloud Storage here to avoid extra authentication with tools like GCloud CLI and get the download url after success upload. return true;});
Currently we have this simple setup and we are hoping to download files from here.