Adding an array of foreign keys to a table in PostgreSQL
I just started learning PostgreSQL and was having difficulty setting up relationships between my user tables and projects.I have two tables: users and projects. Each project has a creator (user), and...
View ArticleHow to explicitly reset current branch state while switching branches with...
I use go_router's StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack to implement a design with bottomNavBar. How can I reset the current branch to its original state AND go to another branch at the same time?Tab A is...
View ArticleHow can I properly call NSOpenPanel from a JNI method to run on the proper...
I can get my JNI class to only partially execute due to my unfamiliarity with Objective-C and JNF. What I've tried so far is as follows:Here's Open.javaimport java.awt.event.*;import...
View ArticleCircle generator in PHP failing on international date line
I have a circle generator that draws a KML circle around lat and lon. It works fine for 99% of the coordinates I input, however if the location is close to the int'l date line it chokes on the...
View ArticleIntegration in Octave between float point
I am trying to calculate the integral between two float points. The programm can do it, but it sends this next messaggewarning: passing floating-point values to sym is dangerous, see "help sym"This is...
View ArticleEntity Framework code-first: introducing foreign key constraint may cause...
I am writing an ASP.NET MVC web app and I keep getting this error when generating the database from Entity Framework code-first (this is my first time posting on Stackoverflow so I apologize if I...
View ArticleRunning .net 4.8 site in IIS 10 using Windows Server 2022 Standard
I am wondering if anyone can help me, I am trying to run site which is using .net 4.8 on Windows Server 2022 Standard with IIS 10 (virtual machine). I can see other questions but they are much...
View ArticleVariable used in lambda expression should be final or effectively final But...
I have a Constants variable defined as final as seen below:Constants.javapublic static final List<Integer> SPECIAL_CASE = Arrays.asList (2, 3, 6, 7);Its an Integer list of values. I have a...
View ArticleCount Disctinct Items by Date in Google Sheets
Column-AColumn-B1-Jan-2024Banana1-Jan-2024Papaya1-Jan-2024Banana1-Jan-2024Pear2-Jan-2024Watermelon2-Jan-2024Papaya2-Jan-2024Papaya2-Jan-2024WatermelonI'd like to count distinct on column-B.I'd like to...
View Article"Class 'String' has no instance method " Dart code " visual studio "
When i write and run this function by dartvoid main (){ List names= [ "eslam", "zoz", "semsem"]; var name = names.any((element) => element > 3); print (name);}show meException has...
View Articleisotope javascript does not aligned properly
Problem is Isotope doesn't display the grid correctly when the page loads, or even when you refresh it, however, once I sort items it fixes itself, also if I resize the window it seems to fix the issue...
View ArticleGet Motherboard Serial Number Fails
In a Windows Desktop .NET C# (7.0) application...We use the motherboard serial number for licensing. Recently a customer with dual CPU's is reporting a blank serial number. We've not had any issues...
View ArticleGoogle login api redirect uri mismatch
This is driving me crazy. The app has been working everyday for exactly a year both as localhost and http.Then I have registered an https at a reputed CA, got a perfect A score at SSL labs, and also...
View ArticleBrainfuck program quits after entering a loop
>++++++[>++[>+++++<-]][>-<<++++++] ^ Program exits after first command in this loopI don't see any problem in my program, and I have no idea why the program stops after first...
View ArticleUpgrade dependencies that are using the invalid package versions fail
when i run npx expo-doctor in my ternimal i get this message:✔ Check package.json for common issues✔ Validate global prerequisites versions✔ Validate Expo Config✔ Check for incompatible packages✔ Check...
View ArticleIs there a way in SVG for anything not inside a clipped region not to respond...
I have a few objects within a clipped region and a few outside of the clipped region on an SVG - is there anyway to ignore the ones outside the clipped region so that they don't respond to mouse events?
View ArticleHandling Exceptions in Flutter Non-Void Async Functions
I'm working on a Dart/Flutter project, and I have a function that performs asynchronous operations using the async/await pattern. The function is designed to fetch data and handle errors...
View ArticlePython Setter throws Type Error. What is wrong here?
I have a dataclass with an attribute 'open' of type float.I added a property setter which shall throw a ValueError in case it gets set to a negative value:@open.setterdef open(self, value: float) ->...
View ArticleC# Asp.Net MVC Core (.Net 8.0) - HttpContext.Session Scalability
I'm using HttpContext.Session in an Asp.Net MVC Core website.How scalable is this? Is the data storage limitation based on the RAM of the server?Thanks
View ArticleFooter not showing on taxonomy of custom post type template
So I have page named "Footer" where all the info is stored for the footer, also I have category.php which is a template I use for custom taxonomy I made for custom post type I made. Query that outputs...
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