I'm working on a Dart/Flutter project, and I have a function that performs asynchronous operations using the async/await
pattern. The function is designed to fetch data and handle errors gracefully.
Here's a simplified version of the code:
Future<List<ChannelResponseModel>> getChannelList(BuildContext context) async { List<ChannelResponseModel> channels = []; final result = await _channelRepository.fetchChannelTimeStamp(); result.fold( (error) { // What should I return here to satisfy the non-void return type? }, (timeStamp) async { if (!isSameAsRemoteTimeStamp(timeStamp)) { channels = await _channelRepository.fetchOngoingChannels(); state = state.copyWith(channelData: channels, dateData: timeStamp); } return state.listOfChannels; }, );}
In the error callback, I'm not sure what to return to fulfill the non-void return type requirement. I want to handle errors gracefully and provide feedback to the user without breaking the function's return type.
I appreciate any guidance or suggestions. Thank you for your help!