R function to obtain Kendall's tau p-value with covariates?
I have two variables and a third covariate adjustor. How can I get an adjusted Kendall tau estimate plus one p-value?a <- c(1.07, 1.9, -0.603, -0.391, -0.416, -0.376, -0.367, -0.296, 1.44, -0.698) b...
View Articletype 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future' while writing unit test case in...
I am trying to write the unit test case for a method called authenticate which has nested method of the same class called login. Now I want to mock the login method and run the test case. I did that...
View ArticleWhy is the correct way of drafting this Intuit Developer API call?
I'm working with the Intuit Developer API to fetch data from within a QuickBooks Sandbox account and I am encountering an unexpected error, and I don't know why.The direct purpose of the API call is to...
View ArticleRun Python Script from Colab every day
Dear experienced colleges, really need your help!I wrote a python script in Google Colab. The code is being used to upload data to google sheets on a regular basis.And I need to run it every day at a...
View ArticleCan't build orangefox recovery
I got the error while building ofrpMy device: gta4xlwifiRun cd /home/runner/work/Action-OFRP-Builder/Action-OFRP-Builder/workspace/fox_11.0In file included from build/make/core/config.mk:291:In file...
View ArticleWhat are the top tips and tricks for new Amazon sellers to boost their sales...
As a new seller entering the highly competitive marketplace of Amazon, understanding the nuances of product optimization and sales strategies can be a daunting task. Given the complexity and constant...
View ArticleTrim data in cell to specific format
I have data in column A (example below).0.894.114.695.EE91.274.788.355.825K.S00.001.409.43EThey are unique product codes. They might start with digits (0,1 etc) or letters. They also contains dot,...
View ArticleHow to calculate the projection
I'm create a Data Engineer model in Snowflake where I need to calculate the projection at weekly levelFormula to calculate the projection : (left over supply in previous week) + (current week supply) -...
View ArticleWhy is upscaled div not overflowing in the y-axis
I am trying to create an effect similar to this this oneThis is my App.jsx file:import logo from "./logo.svg";import "./App.css";import "./components/header/Navbar.jsx";import Navbar from...
View ArticleHow to check whether the image is blur or not in flutter
I am developing an app where i capture picture through mobile camera. Before displaying the picture it should check whether it is blur or not. Please help me to find the solution.
View ArticleError when trying to open txt file in Python
I'm making an app using Custom Tkinter, and in this app I want to create buttons based on .txt files in a folder, and make the buttons copy the content of these .txt files. Simple copy / paste...
View ArticleJmeter Response : message:java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create JDBC driver of...
I am trying to initiate a connection to SQL Server using Jmeter but encountered with the error:Response message:java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create JDBC driver of class...
View ArticleAzure Web App can't use Managed Identity when running with Docker
I have a simple Python app that is deployed as an Azure Web App using Docker. The app itself is running, but can't connect with an Azure SQL Database that is configured to only allow authentication...
View ArticleNpm install with private git repo dependency stopped working
I have a package.json file with "rtrk": "https://github.com/me/rtrk.git", entry among the dependencies.Until today I could normally run npm install or npm update rtrk commands and they would...
View ArticleDifferent class intervalls (breaks) according to specific values in the...
I would like to create class intervals in the histogram according to the Body mass index (BMI) classification, and color the columns.The categories are:Underweight (Severe thinness) < 16.0 ->...
View ArticlePower Query : How to pivot table
I really need your helpI want to change the table (table one) from this oneFor table one, all the text below Number will go for Manchester, and All Text below text will go for Arsenal. That`s why if...
View ArticleUse json file string to enum shows Type 'string' is not assignable to type...
I have a enum like this:export enum AccountSettings { accountManagement = "Account management", managementOfRelatives = 'Management of relatives',}Then I have a en.json file, I want to use them for my...
View ArticleAccessible, nested, CSS-only dropdown menu
How can I create a CSS-only dropdown menu with multi-level submenus that works seamlessly across all major browsers and is fully accessible to keyboard and screen reader users?I tried creating submenus...
View ArticleHow to find the property which has the highest value
let obj1 = { 1:1,2:1,4:3};I want to get the property 4 as the output because the value of that property is highest of all other properties. I am trying to find out the highest frequency number in my...
View ArticleUnknown word (CssSyntaxError)stylelint(CssSyntaxError) on all my files in vscode
All my files are showing css syntax error only in vs code- particularly at import statements in JavaScript/TypeScript files.What do I do to fix it? It doesn't affect the execution of code. It's just...
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