I have data in column A (example below).
They are unique product codes. They might start with digits (0,1 etc) or letters. They also contains dot, letters and digits.I need to manipulate this data to format I need i.e. from 0.894.114.695.EE9 to 0894114695 or K.S00.001.409.43E to KS00001409. Basically I have to remove last 3 characters, remove "." and keep 0 in front (if string starts with 0).
Currently to do it I follow the below steps:
- =mid(a1,1,13) and overwrite formula (now in row B)
- CTRL+f and replace "." with nothing
- Then I put formula: =IF(LEN(B2)<10,0&B2,B2)
Is there a possibility of having just 1 formula, that would do all the 3 steps?
I have looked online for solution for weeks, but unfortunately I could not find one, that will work for me.Thank you in advance for all your help.