Laravel: How to paginate data from Controller that is constantly being updated
I have a table in the database that is constantly being updated every 1min. New rows are added, existing rows are updated, etc. Is it possible when a user first loads the page, the Controller creates a...
View ArticleHow to predict characters from an image?
Requirement: To read or predict characters from an image.Preq: I'm using pytesseract and opencv in python to read text from imagesvbut I see an issue as explained below.Issue:There are few images where...
View Articlepostgresql, how to trigger a trigger function when only inserting successfully?
I set up a trigger for copying some fields of a new record to a new table when a new record is inserted. Anyway, that can successfully run. but my target is triggering when inserting successfully or...
View ArticleThe IIS server is unable to access the etoken device
I used the core web API to create a file signing serverUsers can post files to the server, and the server will call signtool.exe to connect to the local USB token to sign the files, and then...
View ArticleWhy "email_sender" is not active with this web app project?
package : email_senderfirebase using : yesI want to use the sender email in my project, so package "flutter_email_sender" isn't work beacause it's not for web app , then I try another one is...
View ArticleChanging water level in an image dynamically based on slider value in MAUI
I'm working on a MAUI (Microsoft .NET Multi-platform App UI) application where I have an image representing a glass of water. I want to dynamically change the water level in the glass based on the...
View ArticleRender data based on month array in React js
I have a response from api like below. I want to render month wise data in a div in react js. For example for MARCH month it should only show MARCH month data and for APRIL and MAY it should show...
View ArticleOmit and definition of K
Why in the TypeScript built-in utility type Omit, which is defined as:type Omit<T, K extends keyof any> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;does K extend keyof any rather than keyof T?
View ArticleCan BitBucket be accessed by OIDC?
I’m trying to deploy an automated process (like renovatebot running in Kubernetes) that needs to push commits to a private BitBucket repo.Is it possible to use OIDC for authorising access to the repo?...
View Articlehow to ensure that flutter and dart projects target the correct pub_cache
I gave a try to puro many months ago,then I switched back to fvmI noticed that my project's .dart_tool targets puro's pub_cachefile:///Users/{{my name}}/.puro/shared/pub_cache/hosted/ tried...
View Articlecss loaded in files and included but doesnt apply on html elements
I've encountered a super weird issue and I'm completely out of ideas on how to debug it and where to look.Here's the deal: whenever I visit any page in the application, the styles don't load, classes...
View ArticleMigrate data in Azure SQL from dev to test (and prod)
I have a dev, test and a prod environment, all stored on different AzureSQL Servers and resource groups. My task is to copy all the data from dev to test (and later prod, but for now test first). I am...
View ArticleNestJS TypeORM generic inheritance of Repository not working
I am trying to create a custom repository class that extends Repository.Here is the codeuser.service.tsimport { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';import { InjectRepository } from...
View ArticleCocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "FBSDKLoginKit" Facebook...
I'm currently stuck on this part when I try to run pod install in my flutter project.This is what I have in my pubspec.yamlflutter_facebook_auth: ^6.1.1flutter_login_facebook: ^1.9.0This is what I also...
View ArticleiOS 17+ | Need to have a list of installed apps
I know due to privacy concerns, Apple does not allow to get the list of installed apps in an iOS. But is there any third-party library/package that allows to do that?The app I'm trying to build...
View Article'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction' in AWS...
We recently upgraded our AWS RDS MySQL database from version 5.7.42 to 8.0.36. We are using Django version 4.1.6. Since the upgrade, we've been encountering frequent deadlock issues, even during read...
View ArticleNext JS Redux Devtools extension not working
I am trying to setup Redux Devtools extension for this simple NextJS app with Redux, but the configuration is not working. I am having issue in enhancer and have no clue how to resolve this issue.I...
View ArticleHow to change format document style for c++ in VS Code
In VS Code in C++, when I use format document , the indentation becomes Allman style. Like,int function() { //body }But I don't like this format. I prefer it K&R style. Like,int function(){ //body...
View Article(Pytorch) mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (212992x13 and 1280x3)
Note: THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE, Although there exists a similar topic, it is based completely on creating a new Sequential model, whereas I am trying to use transfer learning on pretrained model.Hi,I am...
View ArticleCustomize envelope completed email format in Docusign
I am using Docusign API to send envelopes to the signers to sign the document.I have a requirement where, after all the signers have signed, I want to send an email to a another user (whom I am keeping...
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