Is that possible if a class is an indirect friend of another class and is a...
+Is that possible if : A is friend of BB is friend of CC has member of type A+If yes, how does it bypass the "circular dependency" rule?+If yes, can A (directly or indirectly ) access all members of C...
View Article404 Occurrence Problems When Deploying a react project to Apache
If you build a small project that you made after learning the react for the first time, upload files and folders to the Apache server, and access themUnexpected Application Error!404 Not FoundIt will...
View ArticleFailed to resolve component: datetime 錯誤
請問要如何修改我已經npm install datetime(1)Failed to resolve component: datetime If this is a native custom element, make sure to exclude it from component resolution via compilerOptions.isCustomElement. at...
View ArticleMacOS no longer allows me to extend display [closed]
I have a 14" 2021 MacBook Pro with Sonoma 14.4.1 and an external LG Ultra HD monitor.I use the external monitor to extend my MacBooks's display, this worked fine for a long time.All of a sudden, the...
View ArticleIn python how to share a large data structure across modules (no copies)
I am working on a prject where I use a Pandas dataframe, rather large, and I need to let several functions access it.So far I have used a single python script, where I create the dataframe as global to...
View Articledownload a directory from a nexus repo
I'm trying to download a directory that exists in a nexus repo to my local computer.I've tried using the nexus API, but I can't seem to copy the folder to my local computer and have it keep the same...
View Articletechnical drawing comparison with python PIL
I would like to compare two technical drawings (both are JPGs with the same size):In a first step I started to compare the images with the following code:from PIL import Image, ImageChopsimg1 =...
View ArticleImplementing Location-Based Marker Filtering in Microsoft Atlas API
We are working on a project related to field clinicians and patients. We need to display a map (using Microsoft Atlas) on a page with multiple patient markers. However, we have a requirement that a...
View ArticleSensorEventListener onSensorChanged() no longer called deterministic API...
The android SensorEventListener onSensorChanged() method used to be called very exact in time to what was requested by sensorManager.registerListener(fastestListener, accelerometer, 100);Now, with API...
View Articlei was trying to extract source code from a apk
hello guys today i need helpi tried to extract an source from an .apk after decompiling it!but the java script which i extracted from that apk has weird symbols and stuff @ str valuesince I'm a...
View ArticleIs there a way to automatically generate the data flow diagrams and flowcharts?
I am recently working on some long and obscure codes written by some other smart guys. I'm thinking of generating the Data Flow Diagrams and the Flowcharts to facilitate my work. Is there any kinds of...
View ArticleConvert "little endian" hex string to IP address in Python
What's the best way to turn a string in this form into an IP address: "0200A8C0". The "octets" present in the string are in reverse order, i.e. the given example string should generate
View ArticleSet activity screen orientation using styles
I'm trying to set activity screen orientation using a styles:Here is the styles.xml: ...<style name="Some.Activity" parent="android:Theme"><item...
View ArticleSending out bulk emails using from smtp server who limits bulk emails
I have a our company smtp server (email id), now i want to market a company product for that i want to send out bulk emails say around 15000 everyday or so, but my company mail id limits me with the...
View ArticleChronoforms 6 data mask options
On Chronoforms6 there is an option to provide data masking for text fields.I used the following entry in the Entry parameters:data-inputmask='mask' : '*{1,30}'What I also need is to allow spaces and -...
View ArticlePDO - array_map return objects ids in keys
hey i have array with returned keys$temp = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);my result looks like this:[0] => ['id' = 11,'title' => 't1'][1] => ['id' = 12,'title' => 't2']if i want to...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2022 convert spaces to tabs on checkout and back to spaces on...
I'm working with people who want to make leading spaces mandatory in our DevOps codebase. I use tabs. Is there any way to configure Visual Studio 2022 to automatically convert leading spaces to tabs...
View Articlefix Prototype_Pollution error from checkmarx
the word 'substring(1)' in line get error Prototype_Pollution,Assigning external properties without validation may allow object properties pollution and affect...
View ArticleJob Scheduling with Quartz Dotnet
Below you can find JobScheduler Classusing Quartz;using Quartz.Impl;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks;public class JobScheduler{ public...
View ArticleI cannot access one of the drop down menu choices
I started receiving this error and cannot access one section of the drop down tree. It only gives me a half spinning wheel and a blank screen. All other sections work. Here is the log error entry....
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