I've got a procedure with recursion in Postgres 13 version.It makes orgstructure from Vice to simple employer
with recursive relations_recurs( pos_id, boss_pos_id, level_num, link_type, link_type_array, pos_id_array) as ( select l.pos_id, l.boss_pos_id, 1 as level_num, l.link_type, l.link_type_array, l.pos_id_array from temp_loop l union all select l.pos_id, l.boss_pos_id, (r.level_num + 1) as level_num, l.link_type, (r.link_type_array || l.link_type) as link_type_array, (r.pos_id_array || l.pos_id) as pos_id_array from temp_pos_boss_with_min_link l join relations_recurs r on l.pos_id = r.boss_pos_id and l.pos_id <> all (r.pos_id_array))select distinct pos_id_array[1] as pos_id, boss_pos_id as boss_pos_id, level_num as level_id, pos_id as pos_original_id, (case when array[1, 2] <@ t.link_type_array then 0 when array[1] <@ t.link_type_array then 1 else 2 end) link_typefrom relations_recurs t;
But it's slow.I'm trying to write query whithout recursion in order to increase performance,I was told using WHILE
with LOOP can
improve code.
How to make this into a procedure using WHILE
and LOOP