In the following source codes, Python and R are giving the same result.
However, C# is giving an incorrect result.
How can I fix the C# code?
Input data:
[1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 3.33]
Python code:
import numpy as npdata = np.array([1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 3.33])n = len(data)mean = np.mean(data)autocorrelations = {}for lag in range(1, n): cov = np.sum((data[:-lag] - mean) * (data[lag:] - mean)) var = np.sum((data - mean) ** 2) autocorrelations[lag] = cov / varprint(autocorrelations)
{1: 0.3907255328740364, 2: 0.13718688954560562, 3: -0.08148897368528898, 4: -0.24787066676987946, 5: -0.3445267996593978, 6: -0.3540259823050758}
R code:
values <- c(1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 3.33)autocorrelations <- sapply(1:(length(values)-1), function(lag) { acf(values, lag.max=lag, plot=FALSE)$acf[lag + 1]})autocorrelations
0.39072553 0.13718689 -0.08148897 -0.24787067 -0.34452680 -0.35402598
C# code:
using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;namespace AutoCorrUsingMathNet{ public class Statistics { private List<double> data_; public Statistics(List<double> data) { if (data == null || !data.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Data cannot be null or empty.", nameof(data)); data_ = data; } public double AutocorrelationCoeff(int lag) { if (lag >= data_.Count || lag < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Lag is out of range.", nameof(lag)); var laggedData = data_.Skip(lag).ToList(); var originalData = data_.Take(data_.Count - lag).ToList(); return Correlation.Pearson(originalData, laggedData); } public (List<double>, List<double>) AutoCorrelationPoints(double thresholdMin = 0.0001, double thresholdMax = 0.9999, double numLag = 1000) { List<double> tau = new List<double>(); List<double> autocorrelationValues = new List<double>(); for (int lag = 0; lag < numLag; lag++) { double autoCorr = AutocorrelationCoeff(lag); if (thresholdMin < autoCorr && autoCorr < thresholdMax) { tau.Add(lag); autocorrelationValues.Add(autoCorr); } } return (tau, autocorrelationValues); } } public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<double> dataList = new List<double>(new double[] { 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 3.33 }); List<double> autoCorrExpectedList = new List<double>(new double[] { 0.3907, 0.1372, -0.0029, -0.2479 }); Statistics stats = new Statistics(dataList); var autoCorr = stats.AutoCorrelationPoints(numLag: dataList.Count - 1); List<double> lagList = autoCorr.Item1; List<double> autoCorrActualList = autoCorr.Item2; foreach (var item in autoCorrActualList) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.ReadKey(); } }}