I am trying to import an Excel spreadsheet into SQL Server Express. First I got an error about not having 'microsoft.ace.oledb.16.0' installed, then I saw a tutorial on YouTube and installed the 32-bit...
View ArticleSOLVED! - Assistance with sum for multiple separate rows using multiple...
I am trying to come up with a way to sum the hours by client for a horizontal table that will include multiple clients and employees.The clients can change as a variable so ideally need to use the Hrs...
View Articlereading configuration file (mytest.exe.config)
I have a project with multiple configuration files, I need to be able to read a specific configuration file (MyTest.exe.config).The file looks like this:<appSettings><add key="Setting1"...
View ArticleIs there a worked example of using CStrBufT with a CString?
Official documentation: CStrBufTI stumbled on this class. I did a search and find no examples. Is it a case of:CString str1 = L”XYZ”;CStrBufT str1buf = CStrBufT(str1);? Anyone actually used this...
View ArticleLua `string.find` claiming first argument is nil when it is actually a string
I have encountered a very bizarre issue (?) with Lua.I expected string.find to function properly, as it requests a string for the first argument and I gave it one. Instead it threw a runtime error...
View ArticleError: spawn flutter ENOENT in flutter build_runner
The project is the flutter default app and on macOS when I try to run build runner using (command+shift+b) I face this error on output:Running flutter pub run build_runner build...
View ArticleFirebase read from the database resulting in repeating the contents of last...
I was trying to build a social media app.In my home page I was displaying other people posts.But its displaying the last uploaded post repeatedly rather than displaying all posts.This is cloud...
View ArticleCSS "position: fixed" moves along with parent
An element with "position: fixed" must remain fixed to the viewport. But in the below example, the fixed element moves along with its parent. Can anyone explain why the element isn't fixed to the...
View ArticleonEdit() 'row is not defined' error using checkboxes
This script tries to add or remove checkboxes from column A if columns B-D are populated or not. If every cell in those three columns of that row is populated then a checkbox is inserted in column A....
View ArticleCollections.max with custom Comparator on list
I have an array list of Location objects that I want to find the max and min value of. However, when calling collections.max(listN, PopulationComparator) it gives me the minimum value whereas for...
View ArticleClass and instance attributes
I learned that Python class attributes are like static data members in C++. However, I got confused after trying the following code:>>> class Foo:... a=1... >>> f1=Foo();>>>...
View ArticleHow to validate Elasticsearch Painless scripts?
We use many ScriptQuery and ScriptField in our project, and provide inline scripts for them in painless language. My question is, how can we validate these painless scripts? In other words, how to make...
View ArticleException in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException error
I believe I wrote all my code correctly but I'm getting this error. Can someone help me understand?Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchExceptionat...
View ArticleFlutter web has wrong colors in browser on Android with dark theme
Opera Touch browser on Android is applying dark theme styling on websites created with Flutter, for devices with dark theme enabled.Seems like all Text widgets are changed, e.g. from black to white,...
View ArticleHow do I enable/disable hotspot or tethering mode programmatically on Android?
I see many references on Android's website to local Only HotspotHowever I need to manage the cellular hotspot programmatically from a background service as I can do manually from the pulldown menu.This...
View ArticleGarbage Collector does not release memory on his own
Why does my garbage collector(G1 GC) do not release memory altough he could?The Used Heap is going up over time, the step fall at the end is because I forced the GC to release memory through jcmd...
View ArticleHow to complete my JavaScript coding homework
I am stuck on this assignment and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.I did this which in my head should pass the question but according to the custom website we have to do it on the answer is wrong and...
View ArticleSimulation of interrupted set-up and delayed server shutdown in batch...
I would like to create a system with servers that need time to set up before being ready to serve. The system starts to set up whenever enough 2 customers are in the queue.When a batch (group of 2...
View ArticleNullInjectorError: No provider for Firestore with Angular
Using Angular and Angular cli: 16.2.12 Firebase: 13.5.2, I get this error:NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Standalone[AddEditComponent])[DataService -> DataService -> DataService ->...
View ArticleAlexa Skill: Invocation name being hijacked by other skill
I have my own dev skill with an invocation name of 'listen up'. This has worked fine for several years but now it's being completely ignored infavour of what looks and sounds like an ad even in the...
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